Tenya Iida x Reader: Special

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You adjusted the pleats on your skirt as you walked down the hall of classrooms, slightly nervous of your first day of being an U.A. student.

This had been your dream for so long but actually being here made you feel undeserving. What had you really done to deserve this amazing opportunity?

You stopped in your tracks as your eyes met the class sign above you: 1-A. You turned yourself towards the massive door, its dark hue making you shrink with each second you stood in front of it. With a loud swallow, you latched onto the handle and forced open the door.

Upon entering, the small number of people in the room immediately caught your attention: There was a floofy, purple-haired boy who was staring at you with a creepy smile, a rather tall fellow with six arms, a surprisingly curvaceous young woman, and a stiff young man with a determined look that was covered by a pair of large half-rimmed glasses.

You quickly averted your eyes from their stares and chose a desk that was apart from everyone else; social interaction wasn't exactly your forte.

Just then, you heard a chair violently screech across the floor, then a series of intense footsteps that seemed to be headed in your direction.

Scratch that.

They were headed in your direction.

You kept your eyes glued to the surface of your desk as the figure's steps finally stopped in front of you. Your lips pursed tightly until you could feel the rapid pace of your heart on them, heavy droplets of sweat appeared almost instantly on your brow as you felt the individual's intense glare on you.

'Damnit. Why did it have to be me?'

With great hesitation, you creaked your head up, though your eyes not quite doing the same. Finally, though, your eyes snapped up and met with the eyes of the one who was going to end your sorry life.

The young man's blue eyes were hidden behind his somewhat nerdy lenses, his dark indigo hair brushed into a perfect set of bangs while his cheeks puffed out a bit as if he were holding his breath. For some reason, his child-like expression calmed you down, your body releasing its wound-up tension.

After a few awkward seconds of staring, your voice lifted out of your throat,


"Hello! My name is Iida Tenya!" the boy extended his hand almost directly in your face, "Its nice to meet you!"

His brows furrowed as he held his stiff hand out at you. Your hand reluctantly reached up and grasped his,

"...(l/name f/name)."

A faint smile appeared on his lips and he gave your hand a firm shake, "I'll be looking forward to working with you in the future, (l/name)!"

Your lashes blinked and you felt an unexpected burn on your cheeks.

Somehow, he looked totally different now that you were actually getting a good look at him. His glasses weren't nerdy at all, in fact they were quite fitting for his handsomely squared face. They made him look like an attractive scholar: responsible and independent yet a bit rambunctious and fiery. Not only that, you could tell he was quite toned under that grey uniform of his, the front of his uniform tightening as his chest rose from his breathing.

Your heart started to pace, but not out of fear this time. You nodded and quickly disconnected your hands, averting your eyes from his cerulean ones.

You watched him walk away out of the corner of your eye, his stiff posture making you smile gently. You stared down at the hand that had touched his, his warmth still lingering like a pleasant aftertaste.

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