Tomura Shigaraki x Reader: Two Halves

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Requested by MinaCatty!

A/N: Ohh boi! My first villain fic! This was actually a request! I was so inclined to accept it because...well i love a challenge! I really hope you enjoy some handy boi!! ^v^

P.S. If anyone's got ideas for Dabi or Stain (yes i kinda thought he was cool ok sue me), please shoot me a comment! Thanks!

Your eyes blinked slowly as you sat beside Tomura Shigaraki, your lips pursed in silence as you looked out at the glowing city from the top of that giant water tower. You always enjoyed looking out at those lights, a dream of one day crushing them all floating wondrously through your mind.

Suddenly, a particularly strong wind mercilessly blew against you and you instinctively huddled closer to the hoodie-clad man next to you. Fortunately, Tomura had grown accustomed to being close this you, so you didn't have to worry about making him uncomfortable. Still, it troubled you that he hardly ever spoke to you despite this. It confused you.

You two had been together since childhood when All-For-One had discovered you in that awful abandoned apartment building, forgotten by your parents, society, and even the rats that were roaming in that filth of a place.

The day you left that abandoned building was indefinitely the scariest day of your life. You were moving to a place you didn't know and with someone who plain terrified you. However, your fears soon dissolved after you had met Tomura, who was only a year older than you. He was just like you. Lost and abandoned with nowhere else to turn. You both were...the same.

You leaned your head on Tomura's shoulder, fidgeting with the sleeve of his hoodie. He didn't seem to mind your touch, so you slid your hand further down his arm until your fingertips made the subtlest of contact with the skin of his hand. You were careful though, only caressing the back of his hand. Tomura still had a temper after all, and going for the inside of his hand wasn't the best of ideas.

The man sighed so softly it was almost inaudible, but you heard it and smiled in relief.

At first, he'd often flinch at or intentionally avoid your affections, but now he'd accept them with quiet indifference. It wasn't too showy, but it made you happy nonetheless.

Your smile, however, faded as your mind suddenly flashed with the thought of tomorrow. Yes, tomorrow was the day. The day the League would make its attack at UA in the USJ.

Despite your strength, it was decided that you would not go. Why was a complete mystery to you. You wanted nothing more than to see the fall of All Might alongside your counterpart, to share that special moment with no one else but him.

"Let me go," you whispered so as not to agitate him,

"Please...I want to be there with you."

Tomura dipped his head, his hand reaching for his neck,

"No..." he turned his head to you, but didn't look up from the concrete below him,

"Too risky..."

"But, Tomu I can take care of my--"

"I said," his voice rose in authority,


You leaned back at his harsh tone, biting your lip to stop yourself from arguing with the young successor. You felt hurt that he didn't think you could handle yourself when you clearly could, but what he said next threw those doubtful thoughts out of your head.

"I...can't lose you...(name)..." Tomura spoke in a faint whisper as if he were commiting a sin with his very statement.

Your lips parted at his words, your stomach fluttering wildly. It was rare to hear Tomura sound...well, worried. He was always so sure about everything down to the littlest nitpicky detail, but...that wasn't the case when it came to you. He'd always spend more time thinking when situations called for your presence. He clearly didn't want you involved with anything that might endanger you because...

Tomura shifted his hand, his pinky hesitantly hooking itself with yours. It was a small gesture, but it spoke mountains to you. You couldn't help but feel your chest swell with love for this troubled brilliance of a man.

At first, you didn't know why All-For-One had chosen you, but as you grew older, grew up alongside Tomura, it started to become clear.

You were Tomura's matching half. You were both two parts of the same kind and that was something of a rare breed, something truly special...or maybe, All-For-One just wanted for Tomura to have something to play with. A mere toy for nothing more than for him to discard when he got tired of it. You didn't know what the case was, but even if it was that, you were more than content. If it meant being able to make Tomura just a little bit satisfied, just a little more convicted, you would gladly accept your fate.

Your lips tugged into a smile and you happily nuzzled into his shoulder, cherishing the somewhat chilling warmth that radiated off him.

You loved him. Yes, you loved him, Tomura Shigaraki.

He was you, and you were him.

A perfect pair of counterparts that had the potential of changing the very future of this city.

Two halves...

Of the same evil.

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