Shoji Mezo x Reader: Accident

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A/N: Yay, more Shoji!! Super happy I got a request for this lug because he is such a precious lil guy (or big guy). Anyway, I really hope you enjoy! ^w^)// Oh and btw, the reader will have an ice quirk with which they can form ice shards with. :)

Thank god it was Friday.

The entire week had consisted of intense training and brain-numbing testing with which you had had it to the moon with. You sighed and gently smiled as you proceeded to the exit, glad you could finally get to go home and relax.

"Hey, (l/name)!"

You stopped in mid-step with much reluctance and turned with a bright smile.

'Oh, it's Ashido.'

You promptly walked over to the pink female with a curious brow seeing as she was with a sizeable group of people, "What's up?"

"We're all thinking about going out for some fun, tonight! Would you like to join us?"

"Uhhh," you scratched your cheek, "I dunno..."

Ashido leaned closer and whispered in a sing-song way,

"I invited Shoji~"

Your cheeks blushed and you stood up straight in defense,

"Pfft. W-What's that gotta do with anything?"

She nudged your arm with a sly smile, "Aw, come on. I know you like him. It's totally obvious."

You slumped with a pout, "It is...?"

You took a glance at the massive teen who was chatting with Hawks, staring at every unique feature of his body. Your heart thumped gently in your chest at the thought of spending some time with the quiet teen, despite there would be others there as well.

"Ok, I'll go," you said with a sheepish smile.

"That's my girl! Meet us back here at five, ok?"

You nodded and promptly went back on your way.

You shot back just one more glance at Shoji and nearly died when he actually looked back at you. He gave a small wave to which you reciprocated with a rapid one before darting off into the hallway.


You pursed your lips nervously as you walked along the orangey sidewalk, courtesy of the setting sun. You'd never really been out like this before, so you were worried that you were underdressed, tugging at the hem of your simple T-shirt with UA's emblem.

As you got closer, you could see a small crowd just outside the school, your throat tightening at the sight of the tall teen that stood out of the crowd like a huge sore thumb. He was the first to notice you, you quickly darting your eyes from his attentions (not like that stopped him from looking).

"Oh, hey, (l/name)!" A smiling Kirishima greeted you.

You shyly waved and looked down at your Converse, a little embarrassed,

"I hope I'm not too plain..."

"You kidding? You look great! Don't sweat it!" the redhead beamed.

You sighed in relief and stood there while the group waited for more of your fellow peers to show up.

"Hey," a deep voice suddenly entered your ear.

"Eep!" you jumped, your hands instinctly shooting out a couple of shards of ice.

The surprisingly manly voice chuckled,

"Oops, didn't mean to scare you there."

You looked up from your hands only to see the boy you were so desperately trying to avoid,

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