Katsuki Bakugo x Reader: Study With Me

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You smiled as your childhood friend (if you wanted to call him that) and neighbor Katsuki Bakugo turned his fiery gaze towards you.

He huffed and rolled his eyes, "Oh, it's you," he adjusted the backpack that hung from his shoulder and continued walking, "what do you want?"

His stingy attitude was always a bit hurtful, but you tried not to take it to heart too much. He'd always been like this, even as a child.

"We have an arithmetic test tomorrow and I was wondering if--"

Bakugo stopped and turned to fully face you, his glare making you feel smaller than you already were, "No. Way."


"Are you kidding me!?"

Bakugo's mother pulled him by his ear, "No, I am not. You're going next door and you're going to study with (name)," she pinched his ear tighter, "Is that clear?"

"Ooow! Ok! Ok! I'll go!"

Bakugo's tough mamma released him from her two-fingered vice with a smug smirk on her lips. An intense blush flashed against Bakugo's cheeks as you held in a laugh at the not-so-tough-after-all young man. Bakugo shot you a glare to which you stopped your snickering then he growled and roughly brushed past you, "Let's get this over with."


"I'm home," you said as you walked through the door to your home, Bakugo grumpily treading behind you.

"Ah," your mother peeked around the corner that lead to the kitchen, "you brought Katsuki?"

You gave a nervous smile as you glanced at Bakugo, "Yea we're gonna study," you said, slipping on your house slippers. Bakugo did the same and you smirked, the cozy red slippers actually looked cute on him.

"What the hell are you looking at?" he said with a sneer on his lips.

You panicked and dashed forward, "Nothing!"

You lead the sour teen to your room hoping you had cleaned it before you left for school that day as you swung open the door. You sighed in relief at the decent cleanliness and B-lined it for your desk chair, sinking into its comfy back. Bakugo silently plopped his backpack on the floor and turned his back to you before plopping himself on one of the cushions scattered about the floor. You watched him as he shuffled through his bag, quietly grumbling to himself as he pulled out his arithmetic textbook.

You, too, pulled out your book and planted it on your desk with a soft thud. You opened it and sat there for a good minute before you mustered up your voice, "You can sit over here if you want...?"

"Tch," Bakugo mumbled, angrily scribbling in his workbook.

You humphed and turned to your book, the smiling numbers on the cover making you feel more lonely than happy.

After about thirty minutes of working, your stomach growled with the ferocity of a lion. You blushed, hoping Bakugo didn't hear, but your embarrassment ceased when you heard another grumble. That definitely wasn't you. You smirked and looked towards Bakugo,

"Are you hung-"

Bakugo's harsh voice cut you off, "No."

"Ok," you stood and head to the door, "well, I'm getting something."


You entered your room once again with a tray of goodies in your hands. Bakugo didn't even glance at you as you shuffled past him, however instead of sitting at your desk, you grabbed all your materials and sat behind Bakugo (or was it in front of? Eh, who cares). You placed the tray of snacks between you and waited. Bakugo's stomach growled again and he visibly flinched. You heard him curse under his breath before letting out a frustrated sigh.

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