Shouto x Reader x Izuku: Something Out of a Korean Drama

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Requested by lisasheii !

A/N: Holy. Crap. This was so HARD to write. UGHHH Starting off with Izuku's POV it was so hard to try and NOT make this an Izuku exclusive fic because I knew it had to be with Todoroki cuz that was what was requested. I love writing for Izuku and I love him so much so it was difficult to make him be so miserable TTvTT But then again, Todoroki's great too so I was just so conflicted UmU Anyway tho!!! I really hope you enjoy this one! I worked so hard on it and I really want to hear back from you! Who would you choose?

"Today's the day, Izuku!" you said as you hugged him from the side, nearly knocking the poor boy over.

The veridian-maned teen blushed, braving a shaky smile, "T-The day for what, exactly?"

You smiled and released him from your sudden hug, a tinge of pink on your cheeks, "The day I confess to Todoroki, you dolt."

"Oh, right," his smile dimmed a bit, but then shot back up, "Well, good luck, (l/name). I'll be cheering you on in spirit."

You giggled excitedly and hugged him again, "You're the best!"

"Aw, shucks, (name)," he stammered.

"Ok, well, I'm off! See ya!" you cheerfully waved.

Izuku waved back with great fervor, but then let out a small sigh as soon as you were out of sight.

You and Izuku had been the best of friends since childhood, even calling each other by your birth-names. It was exciting when you both happened to join U.A. and even more so when you discovered you were to be in the same class. You both trained hard and studied even harder (Aizawa's pop quizzes were a near death experience). After all this time with you, sharing laughs as well as your troubles and woes, Izuku had grown closer to you than ever before. So close that Izuku had begun to feel differently about you.

He started to notice the way your eyes sparkled with determination and the way your hair flowed so listlessly in the wind when he walked you home. The way you took it upon yourself to put yourself before others and the beautiful way you smiled just by seeing his dorky, freckled face. He couldn't not think of you when he was alone. He often tried to deny his feelings, but he started to face them head on.

Izuku was helplessly in love with you.

Still, it's not like that mattered. He knew you didn't see him that way. You probably viewed him as a brother more than anything. Plus, you already had a crush on Todoroki, so his chances of being more than a friend to you were slim to none.

The solemn teen gathered his things and proceeded to leave his classroom, his head dipped lower than usual.



Izuku rubbed his eyes as he went over the notes in his notebook, carefully reading over every little detail that Aizawa mentioned. Izuku took a sideways glance at his phone, then tapped it.


Izuku furrowed his brows as he blankly looked upon his notes. You hadn't called or text him since school ended and he was starting to worry. Then again, did he have to? Didn't this mean things worked out with Todoroki? He imagined you being so happy next to the crimson and white-haired boy, that beautiful smile he had come to admire shining on your cheeks. Izuku's heart panged at the thought, and he quickly distracted himself with more aggressive writing and indiscernible muttering.

A couple minutes later, his phone buzzed. He gasped slightly as his heart leapt in his chest. He hesitantly met his eyes with his phone, biting his lip. The persistent pounding of his heart was mostly out of fear. Fear that you were about to confirm his previous thoughts. Izuku's hand shook as he grasped the phone and tapped your message, swiping the screen open.

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