Shouta Aizawa x Reader: Waking Up To You

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A/N: Wow. I'm suprised I haven't written for Aizawa yet. X'D But I actually just got a request for him so expect some more sleepy dad! :D

The sensation of tiny paws on your chest stirred you from our sleep.


Your eyes slowly blinked open, a striped orange tabby being the first thing you saw in the bright morning rays, her yellow eyes staring at you with an impatient look.

You chuckled and scratched behind her ear, making her close her eyes and purr,

"Ok, Julia. I'm up."

Julia meowed and promptly jumped off you onto the floor. You sighed and turned to your left to your sleeping boyfriend. You smiled at the way his long black hair fell in a tangled mess over his face. You brought your hand to his face and gently tucked the strays behind his ear, smirking at the drool that dribbled from one corner of his lips.

Saturday was usually his day to sleep in, since it was his day off. You gave his nose a faint kiss and got up, letting him rest just a little more.

Julia rubbed against your leg as you put on your slippers. Tom, Shouta's black tabby, soon noticed your awakening and ran over also begging for your attention.

"Ok, Ok. I'm going."

You B-lined it for thier food bowls and grabbed the large bag, pouring each of the little tikes their own hearty share. While the cats were busy eating, you yourself fancied a wake-up treat. You rubbed your tired eye and made your way to the Keurig (Yes, I have one of these. Sue me.), placing a tea K-cup in the machine. You leaned back onto the counter and sighed as the liquid slowly filled your mug, an enticing smell of warm chamomile filling the room. For a moment, you admired the way the light from the sun made the floor tiles sparkle like tiny diamonds.

You smirked and grabbed your cup from the machine whom had finished it job. You poured some honey and sugar then stirred the caramel-colored concoction as you shuffled back to the bedroom. You propped up your pillows and with a heavy sigh sank back into the comfort of the bed, your hot cup warming up your hands. You turned to your left and smiled tenderly at Shouta, who was starting to stir in his sleep. He always looked so peaceful when he slept. It made sense anyway. His quirk was a tiring one and he deserved every ounce of sleep he could get.

Just then, Shouta's nose twitched, no doubt smelling the sweetness of your tea. He hummed as opened his sleepy eyes enough to just see you.

You chuckled, moving the hair from his face,


Shouta hummed, his voice soon calling the attention of the two felines. They both mewed and jumped on the bed, Julia laying herself near his chest while Tom sat right on his legs. You held in a laugh at Shouta's slight annoyance at his cats' over attachment to him. He sighed,

"I swear one day I'm going to get rid of these animals."

"Aw," you scratched Julia's head, "You don't mean that. I know you love them."

Shouta's cheek colored pink at your statement, obviously determined to not admit that fact.

"I'll go make you a coffee," you said, already climbing out of bed again.

"Hold on," Shouta's voice along with the grab of your arm kept you from leaving.

"What?" you said softly, a curious raise of your brow.

Shouta stayed quiet for a moment, his tired gaze staring at the lovely features of your face,

"Just stay, alright."

Your chest warmed at his request, pulling your legs back into the sheets,

"Ok, if you say so..."

A pleasant silence followed, you taking a lingering sip of your tea. As you did, Shouta couldn't help but stare at you. Little did you know, he had already been awake. Though, he had woken up when you were out of bed. If there was one thing he hated, it was waking up to you not being there. He loved nothing more than to have you be the first thing he saw every single day. Your lazily tied-up hair, the natural flush of your cheeks, and that adorable tired look in your (e/c) eyes. He loved seeing you like this, in your most vulnerable state. It made him feel like the luckiest man in the world.

You looked down at Shouta and grinned when you realized he was staring at you,

"What are you staring at?"

"Isn't it obvious? You, dummy."

Your grin dimmed to a shy smile as you self-consciously tucked some hairs behind your ear,


Shouta noticed your slight insecurity, quickly wanting to break it down,

"Hey," he said monotonely.

You turned to him, eyes dim as you hummed in response.

"You're beautiful, (name)."

Your cheeks heated exponentially, and your lips pursed in pure bashfulness. You only looked into his dark ebony eyes for a small moment before drawing your gaze away, your heart thumping quicker than you expected.

No matter how many time he said that, it always made you flustered. Hearing those words come from the man you had slowly grown to love meant more than you ever thought they would. You admired him as a person, a hero, and a lover. He was everything you wanted and more.

Before you knew it, Shouta had sat up and shifted himself to you. You whined a bit as he wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his head on yours. He chuckled, inhaling the faint lavender scent in your hair. He whispered something inaudible, but you were pretty sure he said he loved you. You blinked in a shy fit, taking another shaky sip of your tea.

Julia and Tom stared at you both, then at each other. They came to a consensus and left the room, leaving you and Shouta alone in the warmth of each other's arms. Despite your beating chest, you leaned back into Shouta and closed your eyes. You exhaled and let this moment linger until it was nothing but a hazy dream...

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