Shouta Aizawa x Reader: Strong Together

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Requested by HatsuneSnowMiku15!

A/N: Yay! More Aizawaaaa! Aw man writing for him is fun, yet a bit challenging since he's kinda reserved about his emotions. But hey, that's why we all love him right? UwU)//

The steady beeping of the heart monitors kept you awake. You were resting your head on the somewhat hard mattress of the hospital bed, your hand fiddling with the sheets of the bed. You blinked lazily and looked up to the dark-haired man's face, also wrapped in a myriad of gauze. It had been two days since the USJ incident and you had been by Shouta's side for that entire time, sacrificing sleep and diet. Though, it didn't matter how much you gave up, what Shouta did was much more important.

Tears once again welled in your eyes at the memory of your love being carried away bloody and broken while you stayed behind to fight the remaining thugs still occupying the USJ. It was so hard to see him like this. You hated the ones who caused this, that damn organization: The League of Villains. Despite your feelings, you really didn't have time to hate right now.

You closed your eyes, a suddenly heaviness overcoming your body. You were about to fall asleep, but your eyes quickly shot open when you felt Shouta's hand give the tiniest amount of movement. Your heart pumped when you heard the man groan softly, looking up at him right when he was creaking his eyes open. Your throat swelled with sobs, but you kept them in, instead baring a wide, shaky smile.

"You're finally awake, huh?" you said through the brick in your throat.

Shouta's eyes blinked slowly before turning their gaze to you, immediately softening at the sight of you.

"Took you long enough," you smirked, sitting up straight now.

Shouta simply grunted, seemingly still a bit in pain to speak.

Just then the door opened and in stepped tiny Recovery Girl, a bright smile on her face.

"Oh! Good morning, sleepyhead!"

You chuckled a bit, happy to have her humor liven up the air. She proceeded to check Shouta's vitals, survey his injuries, and examine his bandages just to make sure they didn't need changing.

"Well, you've healed rather nicely, Aizawa," she turned her smile to you, "With help from Ms. (l/name) no doubt."

You waved your hands in dismissal, a faint blush on your cheeks,

"O-Oh, no, I didn't do anything."

"Staying by this stubborn man's side, getting no sleep. I'd say that's more than nothing."

Your blush grew darker, a shy smile on your face as you averted Shouta's injured gaze.

"Well, since you're finally up, I'll go fetch Principal Nezu," she said, hopping off her chair and shuffling her tiny self out the door, leaving you and Shouta alone again. It was a bit before the man finally spoke,

"You look terrible."

You shot your attention to him, cheeks puffed in retort,

"Well, thanks a lot."

Shouta sighed, closing his eyes for only a moment,

"I don't look like you've been taking care of yourself."

Your cheeks deflated, your mouth pursing slightly.

"(f/name), I know you're worried about my health, but making sure you're ok is important too."

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