Dabi x Reader: Unknown to You

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A/N: Loosely based of Coming Down by The Weeknd. I thought that song would fit cuz i feel like after all of his villain work he comes to you when he's "coming down". Ya gotta listen to the song to get it LMAO BUT HEY SORRY FOR THE HIATUSSS School was keeping me busy so i haven't been able to post anything ToT But I hope you enjoy some Dabi!! Second villain fic. Hope its good. K bye.

Go Beyond! Plus Ultra!!

The sound of the rain beat down on your window and the distant rumbling was enough to entice you into a deep sleep. However, you were determined to stay wide awake. In your hands your phone rested silently. Your hands were still tingling from its earlier vibration just a few minutes ago, a call that had come through. It was cold to the touch, yet you didn't want to let go.

You turned your half-lidded eyes to the window across the way, the city lights a blur and warped from the wet streams that flowed down the glass surface. It was dark in your apartment save for those lights, but you didn't mind. You preferred the shadows...and so did he.

In the moment you were staring out of that window, a tall shadowy figure crossed its frame, familiar despite its distortion. Your head lifted a bit and your breathing stopped temporarily as you waited for that certain sound.


Your body reacted instantly and you rose from your bed, shuffling your tired self to the door. You held yourself as you made your way, the chilly air hitting your arms more than your liking. Still, you freed one hand for a moment to unlock the door. You didn't open it outright, however. It always took you a moment to do so, your heart already pounding faintly in your chest. Finally, though, you opened it. Slowly and calculated. The rain's thundering instantly grew louder and the large shadow of the figure standing there hung over you made you feel small. Your eyes panned up until they were met with the alluring turquoise eyes of the man you had been waiting for. He only went by one name.


Neither of you said a word as you allowed him to step inside, his hair slightly damp along with his clothes. You closed the door and let yourself rest on it as you quietly watched Dabi take off his coat and shoes. Your eyes studied the patches of deep purple skin, taking in every detail.

Dabi ruffled his onyx black hair as he made his way to your bed, sending you a subliminal glance. You swallowed, your palms already sweaty.

It wasn't that you were scared of Dabi. You knew he'd never hurt you, at least not now. He was quiet most of the time. The only instances were of weak whisperings of sweet nothings in your ear when you two were...intimately together. You weren't going to say that he loved you, because you weren't even sure if those whisperings were true or not. Still, it was undeniable that you were infatuated with him, needy of him almost. Your mind racked every night wondering when he'll call. Your heart would pound when he stared at you with his mesmerizing azure gems that seemed to glow in the darkness. There was something about him that was just so...enigmatic. It drew you to him like a puppet on a string time and time again, just like now.

The bed squeaked softly as you sat next to the silent man, your eyes fixed on your legs. You could feel his burning gaze on you and it only made you more nervous. However, your anxiety dissolved away when he suddenly brushed his hand against your own and loosely grasped it. You looked to him as he brought your hand to his lips and gently kissed your palm before placing it on his cheek, his eyes closing with a low sigh. You placed your other hand to his face and ran your thumb over the cold stitches that lined the border between his two fleshes.

"Dabi..." you whispered almost inaudibly.

Said male slowly lifted his eyes to meet yours, an underlying feeling of deep sadness dwelling within those beautiful cerulean eyes. His lips mumbled something that you couldn't make out, but before you could try and ask, he suddenly leaned over to you and pushed his entire weight on you. You yelped as you fell backwards, Dabi tumbling down over you so that his head rested on your chest.

You were expecting him to move, but he didn't. He just laid there, his hand still lightly clutching yours. You blushed as his warm breath hit your skin, very sure that he could hear the palpitating of your nervous heart. Dabi turned his head slightly and brushed his lips against your skin. You shivered at the strange feeling of his supple top lip and rough bottom lip caressing your skin. It wasn't a full kiss, but you could sense the affection from it. You exhaled softly and placed your hand in his hair, your fingers burrowing in the spiky tresses of his black hair.

You both stayed like that for a long time, the night slowly drifting by. You both let the sounds of the rain drift you to a calm dream-induced sleep, however, it was you who fell asleep first. Dabi being alone for a few moments, turned his sleepy gaze up to you. His eyes drooped, and he placed his lips to your chest again, letting just one sentence escape him before he too fell into a deep slumber.

"I love you, (name)..."

This was the only time he would ever say he loved you: when you were asleep and unaware. Why? Well...not even he knew. Maybe it was because he wasn't supposed to love anyone and felt ashamed, or maybe it was because he wasn't used to saying it, or maybe...he was scared to. Whatever the reason, his true feeling were kept in the dark with no intention of being told anytime soon.

A mystery was what they were.

A mystery that was all but unknown to you...

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