Shouto Todoroki x Reader: Intimidating

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A/N: Whee! Shoutoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! OMG. He's so cute. So I wrote a cute story. ^w^ Also, image drawn by yours truly. *wink*

It was the first day of school. It was supposed to be boring: orientations, tours, etc. However, your homeroom teacher, Aizawa, didn't play any games. He told everyone that the class would be participating in a quirk test and on top of that, the one with the lowest score would be expelled. Of course, everyone was scared. Well, everyone save for a couple of people. That half-white-and-red haired boy was one of them.

His name was Shoto Todoroki and his quirk was like nothing you had ever seen. To be honest, he was a little scary. He was reserved, not talking too much, which made you wonder what secretly evil agendas he was possibly harboring.

At one point during the test, his two-toned eyes pierced into your own. You froze, but somehow managed to send a nervous smile despite your pounding heart. His gaze softened a bit, before he broke it, you breathing a sigh of relief.

After that day though, things started to get weird.

"Hey, (l/name), wanna sit with us today?" a classmate asked during lunchtime.

You politely declined, making up the excuse that you had a bit of a headache so you were going to sit alone. You sighed and made your way to a table that was isolated, perfect for a relaxing lunch by yourself. It wasn't that you were shy or anything, you just preferred to eat alone and think.

As you were contently munching on your freshly steamed rice, you heard the chair beside you squeak across the floor. You quickly looked up and nearly yelped. It was none other than Todoroki, who rather rudely took it upon himself to sit by you without even asking, though you were still too afraid to speak up. You didn't know him, so you didn't know if he was a ticking time bomb or just a real quiet, nice guy. You opted out of talking and simply continued to eat your lunch, his intense aura making you sweat.

Then once lunch was over, you quickly went to throw away your tray and blended yourself in with the massive crowd hoping that Todoroki wouldn't be able to find you.

Oh, how wrong you were.

You exhaled as you merged out of the crowd and into your next class, English. Only, you weren't going in alone. You caught a glimpse of red and white as you walked in and swiftly turned around.

'Todoroki!?' you thought in your mind, 'How the hell did he catch up to me? Was he following me the whole time??'

You swallowed and rushed to your desk, which you were glad you chose it the first day you came because it just so happened to be the furthest from the scary teen. Though, you nearly died when the teen decided to just up and sit directly behind you!

'What the hell!? Does he have no respect for chair dibs!?!?'

You vigorously scribbled in your notebook as you felt his grey and ice blue eyes staring you down, their beams practically shooting into you.

He continued to do this for weeks, never saying a word. He would only ever exchange these...soft glances. They weren't really frightening. They were actually pretty nice, his two strangely-hued eyes making you a little calmer every time your gazes meet. After a while, you started to get used to his silent presence, sending him much more comfortable smiles when he looked at you. No one really bothered to question it since you two never, you know, talked.


Not until...that day.

You and Shoto were walking out together in the cold winter air, your scarves covering your mouths (not that it mattered). It was snowing and the white flurries were falling with a gentle sway. It was quite beautiful despite the chilling air against your cheeks and nose.

Suddenly, Todoroki stopped. You noticed and turned to him, a curious expression on your face. He refused to look at you and that started to make you worry. He gestured to the trees on the side of the walkway with a snap of his head. You followed willingly, wanting to know what was going on.

Once under the bare branches of those withered trees did Todoroki meet your worried gaze. It was then that you happened to notice a slight flush to his cheeks, and it wasn't from the cold either.

He parted his lips...and spoke.

"I think...I like you, (l/name)..."

Your heart nearly stopped when he said this. It was such a shock to hear his voice, another to hear him say your name, and another for him to say that he liked you! You blinked as you felt the heat from your cheeks burn away the frost nipping at your face.

"Todoroki, I," you did a kind of nervous laugh, "I don't know what to say...I mean, how? Why? I mean, you...we...never even talk. I don't understand."

Todoroki took a moment to think, carefully choosing his next words.

"On the first day of school, you smiled at me."

You stared at him patiently as he took a breath and closed his eyes, "I looked at every single person there. Not one of them smiled at me, let alone even looked back. They were all afraid. Afraid of me and my quirk...but, you," he opened his eyes again and slightly smiled at you, "You did."

You shook your head, ashamed, "But...I was afraid, Todoroki."

"And yet you still managed to brave a smile," he said with the softness of cotton.

Your lashes fluttered bashfully at his voice, but you stayed silent, wanting to hear more.

Todoroki scratched his two-toned head of hair, "I apologize for never talking. I'm just...not that great with people, especially girls."

You chuckled a bit and kicked the accumulating snow below your feet. "Well, you're doing just fine now."

"I suppose," he said and also kicked the snow, some landing on your boots.

"So," he looked into your eyes with a nervous expression, "do me too?"

You were silent for a moment, honestly thinking back to the time you and Todoroki spent together. It was all silent, yet now you realized that talk was never necessary between you two. You knew exactly what you both were thinking by a simple glance or gesture. It was the purest form of communication and you both had mastered each other's little tics and flaws almost perfectly. It was the perfect relationship.

'Relationship. A relationship with Todoroki?'

The more you thought about how much you wanted him to hold you, to console you, to kiss you, and to say your name with all the love and care in the whole world, the more it made your heart ache. Luckily though, it didn't have to ache for long.

You stepped a little closer to Todoroki and tugged at the scarf around his neck,

"I think I do," you gazed directly into his beautiful eyes and shyly smiled, "Shoto..."

The teen blushed red at the sound of you speaking his name so informally, yet it was the only sound he ever wanted to hear. He immediately wrapped his arms around you and held you so tightly that you almost couldn't breathe. You nuzzled into the crook of his neck, taking in the homely warmth of his body.

"I'm so happy, (f/name)."

You furrowed your brows, trying not to cry,

"Me, too, Shoto."



"By the way, Shoto. How do you know Shoji didn't smile? I mean, he does have that mask."

"Oh yeah..."

You giggled, "Would you have fallen for him too?"

Todoroki blushed, flustered, "O-Of course not! I like girls!"

You laughed and kissed his tinged cheek,

"I love you, Shoto."

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