CHAPTER 1: The First Look

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"All the best darling! I know you are going to rock your first day in school." My mom bagged me up as I started on my bike for the first day at high school.

Liberty High, the most renowned school in Washington, USA is not really where I wanted to graduate from. It is known for relationships and sports more than it is known for academics. But it was my mom's desire to see me there. I guess she wants me to mix up with people and break out of my I-am-not-an-extrovert zone. After my parents divorce, it is hard for me to talk to people and trust anyone. In my opinion, people are selfish and there is no forever in reality, it only exists in fairy tales.

 In my opinion, people are selfish and there is no forever in reality, it only exists in fairy tales

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The parking lot was beeming with all sorts of cars and bikes. There was a lot of hustle and bustle and as expected from the very first minute I was hating Liberty High.
"Lia! There you are!" Yelled a familiar voice. I turned around to find Victoria, the only friend I could rely on in this place.
"Hey Vic! Thank God you are here. I don't know what to do. This place is so annoying."
"Come on Lia. This is the coolest place in Washington. Don't be a spoilsport. I wonder how come you are my friend since kindergarten?. I am going to introduce you to a lot of hot guys here. Be ready darling."
It was hard to cope with Victoria at times because of her addiction to hot boys and her makeout stories. But at the end of day, she is always there for me. We were suddenly startled by the screaming of crowd near the sports arena. Despite my uninterest to know what was going on Vic pulled me with her to the cheering and screaming crowd.

"What the f----" I blurted out as I saw a guy, half naked punching a poor nerd without halt. How can a person be so merciless? The guy was bleeding and in no time the principal was there to stop the one-sided riot.
" Zayn Foley in my cabin right now." The old man snapped and helped the half dead nerd to stand. Poor guy had his spectacles broken. Soon the bell rang and the crowd dispersed. Before I turned I threw a quick glance of disgust at the winner of the fight who was laughing shamelessly at his win. I allowed myself not to be distracted by his abs. "He is so shameless. Just look at the poor nerd he is bleeding and he doesn't even care. Freaking asshole." I said angrily to Victoria
" but he is a hot dude." It was not long when I realised Victoria had already fallen for the cruel guy and was drooling at his sight. I pulled her to the school campus and gave her a hug before we departed for our classes.

It was easy to sleep in the boring history class as the professor was having an introductory session with everyone

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It was easy to sleep in the boring history class as the professor was having an introductory session with everyone. I was thinking about the guy I had seen bossing around in the morning and I didn't know for what good reason in the earth I was distracted by the thoughts of that extremely hot but merciless jock.
Suddenly, my trance was broken when I heard the chair creaked beside me and a husky voice spoke, "Hi! I am Zayn Foley".

Note: I hope you like the first chapter. Please give your feedback and wait for the next chapter :)

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