Chapter 26: Unlikely ally

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"Step back Lia!"
I stood at the edge of cliff letting the cold wind brush past through my cheeks and hair. The gigantic crystal blue waves crashed agaisnt the cliff on which I was standing and the sound was so soothing. I could hear Tyler calling out from behind but I was too lost in the sound of waves.
"Jump Lia." Suddenly Zayn's voice was there.  I looked around but could not see him anywhere. only Tyler was there, running towards me and telling me to step down from the edge. He kept running but couldnt reach me.
"I am here Tyler. I am safe. I wont go to him." I yell back.
"Jump and you will be with me forever."
His voice echoed in the mountains but he was nowhere. I looked back to see Tyler was also gone.
"Jump Lia!" I realized the sound was coming from the sea. " You and I will be together forever. No Judy, no other troubles. Just the two of us."
"No! Stop!" I turn around to escape the voice but  crash into his chest. There he was in his usual black tshirt smirking at me and his blue eyes burying into mine.
"Hey baby." He whispers in my ear And pushes me off the cliff.

I wake up screaming and drenched in sweat, realizing I am in my bed. My heartbeat has quickened and I quickly switch on the lights thinking that will drive away the darkness in my heart. I have been having these nightmares for a week now. The same one everytime. I thought after today they will stop as I had accepted Tyler from all my heart and decided to let go of Zayn but still here I am struggling with him even in my dreams. Even though I had made up my mind to not go running back to him this time, my heart kept pushing me at him. As much as I try to focus on Tyler and his feelings for me, I just cant seem to get Zayn out of my head. I knew I had to talk to him.


"I heard you screaming again." My dad says as I take a bite of my bread and omelette but I stay mute. Dad and I always have breakfast together, talking about our daily plans and chat over random things . However, after I had my heart broken from Zayn again, I dont really know what to talk to him about as all my world seems to revolve around him and my dad being the sweetheart he is, respects my feelings and never forces me to speak, well, until today.

"You have nightmares almost every day. Is everything okay? " I lift my face to find worry lines form on his forehead. I dont blame him for  asking me questions. No father can see her daughter struggling and in my case I remember being this vulnerable for a very long time now.

"I am okay. Just a bad dream." I hate lying to him but I didnt want to get him worried.

He gets up from the head chair and sits on the one beside me.

"Baby, you were so happy here but since you started college you seem off, like you were in Washington."

I realize what he was saying is true. I hated the previous Lia and I was so proud  for changing into a better version of myself. I cant go back to my previous life. I have worked so hard to leave it behind me.

"It's not about college. Just assignments." I tell him munching on my breakfast and still lying.

"I  know Zayn is back and something happened but this is not good for you. The guy keeps on hurting you and you let him."

"So mom told you."

"Yes but it was not hard to analyze anyway from whatever was happening with you- your depression, skipping meals, you sobbing all night long and now these screams." He said not looking at me. We both knew he felt terrible to ask me these questions but his worry for me warmed my heart.

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