CHAPTER 19: Hangover

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*Lia's POV*

As soon as I woke up, I thought somebody has tightened thousands of nails in my head. The pain was unbearable and my head was screaming. It took me a while to realise where I was. There were posters all around, posters of cars, transformers and also half naked models. But soon the reality struck and it hit me hard when I saw Zayn lying beside me, asleep and.....shirtless.


Did we just....?

I kicked him out of the bed and it almost made me laugh when he rolled over the floor half-asleep and totally frustrated with the sudden gesture.

"What the heck, Lia?" He literally shouted, rubbing his eyes and back at the same time but who cares? I was equally mad.

"What are we doing on the same bed and why am I not wearing my clothes? And why aren't you wearing a shirt?" I shouted back, a hint of stress lacing my voice and the corner of his lips twitched, exposing my all-time-favourite smirk. He leaned closer to me, just an inch away, and gently pushed a free strand of hair behind my ear. Great! Now my heart was screaming as well.

However, I gulped and finally managed to speak, which was more like a whisper, overcomig the proximity between us, "tell me what happened last night?"

"Don't you remember princess? You were so wild last night. Like all over me! We both got drunk and......"

Oh my god! I just did not lose my virginity to Zayn Foley, right?

"I can show you the terrible nail diggings on my skin. How can you forget the most beautiful night of our life, Lia? I hope you are not sore." He continued "you know, even I couldnt control myself last night, you were so determined to have it. Screaming my name and all."

Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no.

"Zayn, faster. Ahhhh! Zayn!...."

He started mocking in a different voice and I lost my temper. I punched him in the stomach, pushing him aside and cried,
"You asshole! I was drunk! How could you do this! Oh my god, I AM GONNA KILL YOU?"  I started hitting him with the pillows and the tissue box and what not that came in my way. But then I had to give in when he finally grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer with his free hand.

"You know you are cute when you are acting all tough. But to your dismay, We did not do anyhing last night. I just wanted to irritAte you the moment you woke up." He said with the smirk plastered on his face.


All this time he was just lying?

And then the only thing that gave me relief was that I am still a virgin. Huuff!

I breathed a sigh of relief but punched him once more, harder this time and he crouched on the floor, gasping in pain.

Hell yeah!

"Dont ever pull that joke on me." I said. It was my turn to smirk now while he sat on the floor holding his stomach in pain.

Aww poor baby.

I put on an over sized t-shirt I found in the room because my dress was no where to be found  and made my way out to the kitchen only to realize I was still in Tylers house and it was Tuesday and I had college.

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