CHAPTER 7: First Date.

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I had already spent almost half an hour in my closet pondering over what to wear. I wanted to look different today for Zayn. Okay, I know he liked me in my usual tomboy attire but I also wanted him to show the girly side of mine so that he wouldn't call me a nerdie, not today atleast.

After the long perfect night in my room, it got awkward for both of us to pretend as just friends. If we wanted to move ahead with this, there was something he needed to know, my set of rules and my disbelief in promises and forever. Thus, it was extremely important for us to talk.

I had rebuffed all the suggested places by Zayn which sounded more like his makeout spots. So, we finally decided to meet at TeeChan restaurant and he was going to pick me up at 7 pm from my house. I hadn't actually lied to my mom. I said I was going out with a friend but the matter that Zayn was a friend or more, was still uncertain.

Just 15 minutes were left for Zayn to arrive, though I know he would be late, and I was still naked, trying out dresses.

A black strapless one piece which fell on my knees? Neh, old fashioned.

A navy blue dress slit at the side and revealing a whole lot of boobs?
God! I don't want to look like a slut!

A dark purple high-necked dress which showed too much of legs to draw attention but not as much that I looked shanky?

After I was satisfied with my dress and my open hair looked presentable, I applied a bit of mascara and light make-up. Damn! Lia! You can look hot. I admired myself in the mirror which is not a usual thing I do. However, I kept pulling down my dress so that it would look decent or maybe just because this was the first time in a long time I was wearing such a short dress. Somewhere deep down I knew that if i dated Zayn, I have to wear such dresses more often. Get habituated to it sweety. I encouraged myself.

The car horn honking outside my house startled me and I quickly put on my black shoes

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The car horn honking outside my house startled me and I quickly put on my black shoes. Dot 7:00? Not bad Zayn Foley. I chuckled at the punctuality of the not-so-punctual guy and went down.

"Wohho! Someone's looking hot. Enjoy your date." My mom smiled

"Mom! For the hundredth time, it's not a date. Just a hangout and thanks." I deadpanned at her.

"Oh yeah. I can see the outfit you chose for a hangout. And the guy is hot. I just peeped through the window, you know?"

"Mom you will never change." I chuckled and blew a kiss at her glowing and smiling face.

As I stepped out, I could see Zayn in his signature black ripped jeans and grey shirt leaning against his car. His brunette locks as messy as ever. His blue eyes twinking wih mischief and his shirt clearly revealing the outline of his perfectly shaped muscles and abs. He has never looked better. His lips curved into a smile as if he had seen his Christmas gift beforehand.


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"Hi." I muttered, conscious about my outfit.
He just smiled and said nothing. His eyes not leaving mine. I knew I had worn the wrong dress. It is too short. Shit! Should I run back and change? What should I do? Damn it Lia! You have definitely done something wrong.

"Is there something on my face?" I asked, confused.

He grinned and at last I heard his angelic voice,
"Everything's perfect. You look hot. I am just afraid how will I drive with so much of distraction by my side."

Oh no. And I was red again. My heart skipped a beat and heat was radiating through my blood-flushed cheeks. I smiled and he opened the passenger door for me. Gentleman.

Just before we pulled out of the main gate, I saw my father's car entering and my heart sank. I was happy I wasn't going to be home for a while to witness the fights and growls of my parents. I tried to lift up my mood and concentrate on one of the most important decision I was about to make today.


We took our seat in the restaurant and I realised the surrounding was perfect. Fain violin playing in background. All the couples around us were busy talking or kissing and there was no one jobless enough to eardrop our conversation.

"So? Where do you want to start from?" He said with a broad grin on his sparkling face.

"Okay, so I will jump directly to the topic. You have to know that I do-"
And I was intespersed by the blonde waitress who came to take our order.

Ugghh! Go away bitch. I shouted at the blonde in my mind who was gawking, infact drooling at the sight of Zayn as he gave his order.

"Two risottos and a bottle of champagne. That would be enough."

"Are you sure you don't want anything else. Dessert?" Smirked the blonde.

"No thank you." Said Zayn as coldly as he could. He had not shown any interest in the waitress but I don't know for what good reason I wanted to launch myself at her and break her face with which she tried to flirt with my man.

"So you were saying something." Zayn said as I saw the blonde waitress leave our table.

"Yeah. I was saying that you need to know I don't b-blieve in relationships. I can't ever commit to you. My family. It's breaking. I have never seen relationships working out so I won't.....promise you anything." I stammered.

I saw his facial expression changed and suddenly he burst out laughing. I wanted to be angry at him and tell him to be serious but his addictive laugh always took over me.

"Uh! Sorry! You will never change nerdy."
Okay, I was wrong about him changing my annoying-classmate nickname.
"Relax. I am not asking you to marry me Lia. I just want to spend my time with you cause I love it when you are around me. I want you to be my private property 24/7, but future? Who knows about that? We should not even bother about it. Let things take their own turn. I won't ever ask you to promise me anything."

I was so blessed to have this perfect piece of beauty. It felt as if he was especially made for me. I held a grip on my happiness as the hardest confusion was over and continued with the remaining rules.

"Rule number 2: no more fighting. And that's a serious one. It was disgusting to see you torture that poor guy. I still hate you for that." I said sternly.

"Done. No fighting. And I am sorry about Paul. That dork parked his stupid bike in my zone. I had to teach him a lesson. Why do people even ride bikes. Idiots. "

I lifted an eyebrow, controlling the urge to slap him hard for saying that and it finally struck him that even his perfectly hot date rides bike.

"Oh shit! I am sorry! I didn't mean that. You can never be an idiot. My mistake. But I actually haven't seen you riding so can't say."

"Zayn!" I smacked his incredibly strong shoulder, which actually was like an ant trying to hit an elephant and laughed with him.

"Rule number 3: no bossing around and especially not with me."

"Done! Anything else ma'am?" Zayn asked with a handsome grin on his face.

"Nothing else sir." I heaved a sigh of relief as the roller coaster of emotion had stopped and now I could finally call him mine, officially. The feeling was quirky and bizarre, but it made me happy.

"Now my turn." Said Zayn and I could see the mischievous look was back.

"Have you ever done something illegal?"
Before I could reply to his senseless question he said,
"Obviously not. As expected from a boring nerd like you. So, as a beginner I have decided something easy for you."

Okay. He knows me well. You are in safe hands, Lia, breathe. My heart was racing a mile a minute. I knew I was not going to turn him down after he had accepted me with all my eerie rules and I mentally prepared myself for whatever he asked me to do.

"I want you to enjoy life like I do. You should try something." He grinned and I knew something unimaginable, ridiculous and horrible was going on in his devil mind. What does he want?

He leaned closer to me, tugged a golden brown lock behind my ear and whispered in it,


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