CHAPTER 13: I lost her.

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*Zayn's POV*

I woke up with my sister sitting beside me on my bed.

Fuck! She is home.

"Good morning brother."
I got up from the bed and hugged her tight with tear-welled eyes. I missed her so much. It seems an eternity since I last saw her a year back.

"I missed you Angela." I whispered

"I missed you too. So how's the plan going on? You know right, with Lia?"
And it reminded me of the actual reason I am with Lia today.

*1 year back*

My twin sister, Angela and I were really excited for our first day in Marington. Since grade 8th, we had been planning to get into this school. It was like a dream come true but we didn't know what was waiting for us.
Angela had always been a chirpy and beautiful girl. There was no guy who didn't fall at her feet, but she sticked just to the "friendship" stage, until Austyn.

Austyn Clinton, the badass of Marington. He was in the senior year when we had joined. For the very first time, I had seen a different sparkle in Angela's eyes as soon as she saw Austyn. She had never felt such strong connection for anyone.

"You really like him right?" I silently asked while we sat in the class, pretending to listen to the professor's lecture.

"No. I dont"

"Come on Angela, I have known you even before you were born. Why do you keep forgetting I was your womb-mate for 9 months." I said with a smirk.

"Okay fine. I do. He has something different in him."

I couldn't believe my sister was blushing and I felt so good to see her like that- a girl who preferred staying away from any kind of relationship was falling for a guy. However, I was equally terrified by the choice of her guy. The things I had heard about Austyn were pathetic. He just believed in one night stand. Even after explaining what could happen to her in future, Angela remained firm with her feelings, letting it overpower all the rumours she had heard.

After a few months, Angela suddenly came to me and enlightened me with the news that she was dating Austyn. The news nearly blew me off. I could not see my sister heartbroken, after all she was all I had after mom left. Thus, I went to Austyn and warned him the very same day.

"I'm telling you Austyn, if by any chance you are playing with my sister, I swear I will forget you are my senior and break your bones." I said in a stern voice.

Damn Zayn! You can be so brave.

But Austyn only greeted my warning with a smirk and said,

"You don't need to tell me what I should do, young Zayn."

He simply walked off with his attitude at peak and I just kept wishing he would take my warning seriously.

They dated for about 3 months and Angela was totally into him by then. They used to spend the entire day together and even nights at times. For a while, even I started believing that maybe Austyn is serious with my sister. But he proved me wrong.

Just a day before homecoming, she found Austyn having sex in one of the classrooms with a random girl. She was hurt and broken into pieces.

"Open the door Angela. He never deserved you." I banged the door and begged her to come out. But she wouldn't listen.

She didn't listen for a whole week. She skipped her meals, classes and did not want to see anyone. I could hear her screaming and crying at nights but could do nothing. I had never seen her in so much pain. So, even I skipped school and waited outside her room until she came out.

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