CHAPTER 14: One Chance

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* Lia's POV *

"Damn! How will I sit in the class with these eyes!" I sighed with annoyance as I stared at my messed up face in the mirror of girls' washroom.

My face was all pale and eyes were bloodshot red due to the continuous tearworks it had produced for an hour. I had already missed the first class of the day crying and with great efforts, I finally decided to step out and not miss other classes. After covering up my red nose with foundation and giving up on my red eyes, I moved out for my classes.

Its okay Lia. You dont need to talk to that bastard and no one knows you were crying. Breathe.

I kept convincing myself as I took my seat in the English class, avoiding eye contact from each and every person.

"May I come in, sir?"
My eyes darted to the beautiful, deep blue eyes burying into mine as Zayn stood by the classroom door and tears pricked my eyes.

Not again.

"Yes Mr.Foley. You are late."

"I had something to deal with."
Zayn's gaze was fixed at me sending sparks through my body. I instantly looked away because I knew those pair of eyes would force me to forgive him for breaking my heart. But this time, I was not going to give up.

"Alright. Go take a seat beside....... Ms. Clinton."


And right then, I wanted to smash the baldy professors head with a hammer for making it more difficult to be in his class.

"Hey." Zayn whispered as he took a seat beside me.


"I cant believe even after all that happened, you have the guts to come and say hey?" I forced a fake laugh.

"Just give me one chance. If you have ever loved me. I can explain."

"Oh please Zayn. Cut it off. Your truth is out." I continued. " And why are you even doing this? Oh okay, I got it. You didnt get to sleep with me after all." I whisper yelled and looked directly in his eyes.
Colour drained off his face, his fingers tightened in his fist and it looked as if someone had punched him hard in his ribs.

"Do you seriously think I just wanted to sleep with you?" It was almost a whisper and I wanted to bury my head in his chest and forget all that happened this morning.

"Ms. Clinton and Mr. Foley. Can you two please concentrate and not disturb the class."
The husky voice of the professor broke my trance and I looked away to avoid his blazing gaze.

I ran out of the classroom as soon as the bell rang, leaving Zayn behind and then suddenly someone grabbed my wrist and twirled me around.

"Didnt I just tell you to stay aw—-
But it was Victoria. I pulled her in a bone crushing hug and started weeping on her shoulder. I had missed her so much.

"Hey, its fine. Lets go out. You are not in the condition to attend anymore classes. Look at you bitch. You look struck." She said soothing my back and pulled me out in the parking lot with her, into her red Audi.

"He never loved me Vic, I was so wrong about him." I said rubbing my nose.

"I guess you should listen to him once. He has feelings for you."

I was shocked to hear this from Victoria as she had always thought he is the bad boy and is not right for me.

"He really loves you. Give him a chance." She said

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