CHAPTER 15: Goodbye Zayn

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    I was literally driving with the speed of 140 miles/hour. My palms were sweating and my heart was racing thinking of what would I say to him. Should I just go and kiss him? Or should I apologize for not listening to him? Uugghh! I think I will just go and kiss him. Would he be happy to see me? Or maybe he has just got over me? Shutup Lia! Think positive. Angela just said he wants me back. Go for it!

After a total of 15 minutes which seemed like a lifetime, I finally pulled over outside the beautiful white house.

Everything is going to be fine.

I smiled as I held the handle and pushed the front door open.

My smile instantly faded as I took in the scene that lay infront of my eyes.

Elle, the blonde slut, had her arms snaked around the neck of a shirtless Zayn Foley who had lipstick smudged on the edge of his lips as he gripped her waist.

The scene hit me like a ton of steel bricks and there was a large thump.

Another piece of my heart broke.

I was numb for a while and then the feeling of pain slowly engulfed me.

I thought you loved me Zayn Foley.

Zayn pushed Elle off of him and ran towards me.
"I swear Lia, its not what it looks like. I can explain."
He said wiping away my tears.

The same words again.

I was too numb and weak to stop him from touching me.

"Dont touch me." I whispered and looked at the blonde who just stood there smirkig at me.

Its all because of you, bitch!

I pushed him away and ran out of his house into the parking while he kept calling out my name but I didnt care to look back. I am so stupid? What was I thinking? Zayn Foley would love me? How can I forget he is just a player.

I had almost unlocked my car when Zayn grabbed me by my wrist and turned me around so that My body was pressing against his bare chest.

"You have to listen to me Lia. I cant let you go." He yelled.

Once again, I jerked away his hand, breaking the strong grip and yelled back,
"You are sleeping with a girl just in a week and then you expect me to listen to you? I had come here to apologize for my behaviour but I am glad that its all clear now." I faked a smile and turned to go.

"Please dont do this to us. I swear I didnt sleep with her. She came here on her own." He argued


"We were never us, Zayn. You have never loved me. I was just a maniac to have fallen for you. And yeah you have got a lovely shade of slut on your lips. Better finish what you have started." I snapped as I sat in my car and slammed the door on his face.

"Dont go." He whispered through the open window of the car and I could see the blue eyes sparkled with water.

Aww baby, is he crying?

No! Its all pretentious. There is a girl half naked inside his house. Dont trust him.

"Goodbye Zayn" I said as a single tear left my eye and I took a final glimpse of his face before I drove away.

My love story ended even before it started. Love doesnt exist.


I scrolled down my messages while sitting in the airport and there was still no message from him. Even though I had clearly asked him to stop texting me, I check for his messages everyday and especially today when I was leaving Washington.
I have passed my junior year and I am 18 now. As my mom was hale and hearty, I had decided to stay with my dad in Canada. I have also promised to meet my mom atleast once in every three months. She has joined as a nurse in the City Hospital and is dating an awfully handsome doctor. I am so happy for her.
I also talked to Austyn about Zayn and Angela. He said he never wanted to hurt Angela but he just could not hold back when his first love showed up before homecoming. He didnt say me about Angela before, as he was scared that I would hate him if he told me he destroyed a poor girl and first of all, that he dated a junior. I made him apologize to Angela and it was all good between them. I was glad she forgave my brother.

Today, I was leaving. Everything is sorted out here except Zayn and me. After that day, Zayn tried a lot to talk to me and even Angela but this time I was determined to get over him. Though, I still love him and maybe I always will, I can never trust him again. He broke me twice and that was enough to destroy me. It took me a month to finally stop crying and concentrate on my studies. Maybe, Zayn was also a reason I decided to move to Canada. I couldnt live with his beautiful face infront of my eyes and not able to do anything to prevent anymore heartbreaks.

The airport announcement brough me back to reality,

"All the passengers flying in AxN 202 are requested to proceed for boarding."

"So this is it?" Victoria said as she stood up from the chair beside me. She had come to see me off and I am so glad she had been there with me in my worst. I was going to miss her, a hell lot.

"Yeah it is." I sighed

"Think again Lia. Can you live without your mom? Without seeing Zayn? I know you still love him and whether you believe it or not, he loves you too." She said for a hundredth time since I stopped talking to Zayn.

"If he loved me, he would have asked me not to go." I played with my fingers, trying not to cry today.

"He is just doing what you had asked him to. Staying away from you, remember?"

"Whatever Vic. Lets not talk about it. I guess I was not meant to be with him."

Okay. Dont start crying again.

"Fine. I am gonna miss you best friend." She said and I saw tears pricking her eyes.

"Aww vic! I am gonna miss you too." And I pulled her in a hug.

What will I do without her?

"Rock your senior year. Make the guys drool okay? And text me everyday." I said soothing her back.

"You too. Dont stay reserved there. Talk to people. And call me when you need advice about boys. I should always be your only cupid assistant no matter how far away I am."
She finally spoke after pulling away from the hug and we both chuckled.

After promising to always be there for each other, I moved inside for the security check. My heart was beating and I wish I could meet him for one last time. I wish I could see and register his face in my mind before leaving. I wish I could hug him and say I will always love him despite what he did to me. But he was not going to come back.

I looked back for one last time, expecting him to come and stop me from going like a hollywood hero.

Grow up Lia! Its reality, not any movie. He is not going to come.

I turned back and went for the boarding.

Bye Washington. Bye Zayn. I hope we will meet someday, but without hatred and the harsh memories of past. I love you.


Note: okay guys. Dont freak out! This is not the end of story. Its just the interval😉. I am going to fast forward the story, a year after Lia has started her life in Canada, but in a college now. Lets see if Zayn is a part of her life or not? Keep voting and commenting.

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