CHAPTER 11: Heartbreak.

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It was bright and sunny when I brought my mother home. I helped her to lie down on her bed and fed her chicken soup. I had to do all the household chores that day and it was understood that mothers are actually much more hard working than any business tycoon.

"So why suddenly a panic attack?" Victoria asked, taking another bite of her apple. She came to meet mom after school and had promised that she would help me in dish washing.

"No idea. Mom just said she was watering the plants and suddenly she started feeling uneasy but before she could go inside and grab a glass of water, it was all black." I answered arranging the beautiful white lilies she had brought, in the flower vase.

"She must be tensed about you."

"I don't know why does she stress herself so much." I could feel the irritation in my voice.

"Have you decided anything yet?" Victoria asked me and I knew she was asking me about my custody case. Someday, I have to face it and it was still not clear with whom I wanted to stay.

"It's better if you decide it earlier, after all you can't run away from this. And now as you have Zayn in your life, take him in consideration as well." Victoria said in a serious tone.

It was true. If I decide to stay with dad, I have to study my final year of high school in Canada which means I have to leave Zayn here. Even the thought of living without seeing his face or those magical blue eyes everyday, not kissing him and holding his hand, scared me. Moreover, I would miss my dramatic mom as well. On the other hand, I wanted to treasure some memories with my dad before I went to another corner of the world for higher studies. What was I supposed to do now? The confusion was like a rope tied to my neck which was by and by suffocating me.

"Okay let's not talk about this." She changed the topic seeing how uncomfortable these things made me. "So, Did you have sex last night?"

My eyes popped out of my sockets and I exclaimed,
"Gosh! Victoria NO! It has been just one day since we started dating."

"Please tell me atleast you made out."

Hearing those words, my eyes fell to the floor and I blushed remembering yesterday's night. It was indeed special. I told Victoria about shoplifting and the beautiful scenario from the cliff. However, I just said yes for makeout, skipping the details as I didn't want to completely gross her out.


That night, I talked with Zayn for quite a long time. To be honest, I had actually missed him and his quirky behaviour, though it had just been one day I had not seen him.

"You have no idea how hard it was to say no to those hot blondes who approached me for a kiss today." Zayn giggled as he explained his tragic story to me.

"I know you will take time to change your ways. But it will mould you into a better person." I said, laughing with him.

"I don't mind as long as I have you by my side. I am ready to reject everyone as I have already got the best."

"Yuck Zayn! You can be so cheesy!" And I heard him burst into a fit of laughter.

"So, you didn't tell me you are planning to shift to Canada with your dad." Zayn asked after he was finally done laughing.

Damn! How did he get to know?

"Did Victoria tell you?" Anger clearly reflecting in my voice.

"Actually, I pushed her to say. It's not her fault." He replied.

At that moment, I wanted to grab Victoria by her hair and punch her hard for spilling out the beans. I didn't want to involve Zayn in all this. I had no idea what was I supposed to tell him. Victoria was going to have a tough time in school tomorrow.

"Um.. I don't know. I am still not sure. Actually, before I leave for college I want to spend time with my dad, only if my mom's health is better." I said.

"Why didn't you tell me before?"

I had no answer to his question. I guess I was afraid that he will leave me after he gets to know about me shifting from Washington.

"Did you think I won't understand you? Or maybe you thought I am not worthy enough to support you when you are troubled?" He asked.

Oh no. He is getting it wrong.

"It's not like that. I myself am not sure yet. So, I thought I would tell you after I make the final decision." I hesitated.

"Whatever it is, just remember I will always be there by your side. Okay?"


I felt incredibly guilty for hiding this from him and I decided I would cover up for this next morning in school.


I was wearing my blue denim shorts and white off the shoulder top in school today. I couldn't imagine my dressing sense was getting similar to Victoria's, which I hated once. I had straightened my hair and put on light make-up which went with my outfit. I also made breakfast for my mom before leaving and left a sticky note beside her bed saying,

I will be back soon. Your breakfast is on the table and don't forget to take your medicines.

I kept thinking how Zayn would react seeing me today. Infact, how the school would react seeing me. This would be the first time I am not looking like a nerd and will have the hottest guy of school as my boyfriend.
The feeling made my stomach churn and I finally pulled outside the campus in the parking lot.

Stepping out, I saw almost all the guys were gawking at me and I was nervous again.

Why do they stare like this?

After I saw Zayn's car was already parked in the lot and he was nowhere to be seen, I decided to move inside the campus in search of him. Suddenly, Emily appeared beside me out of nowhere and I was like not again!

"Hey Lia! You look so different today!"

I had no interest in talking to that weirdo but as she was an admirer of Zayn, I thought she might be of help.

"Thanks. Have you seen Zayn anywhere?" I asked, trying to be polite.

"Yeah. I saw him going towards the computer lab just a while ago."

I thanked her and almost ran towards the computer lab when she stopped me again.

"He went there with a girl. I don't think he would appreciate any disturbance." The dork defended him.

With a girl? She must be mistaken. Zayn is with me now so he won't hurt me like this. But what is he doing there when 30 minutes are still left for the bell to ring. My heart sank. My thoughts were a whirlwind of confusion, my palms were sweating and I felt that I could have vomited all over the floor. However, I pulled myself together, surrounding myself with positive thoughts and made my way to the computer lab, hoping I would find him alone.

When I reached the front of the lab, I could hear some muffled sobs and Zayn's voice.

What's going on?

As the door opened, I saw Zayn sitting on a chair but as Emily had said, he wasn't alone.

Beside him, sat a beautiful girl with her eyes all red and brown. Zayn had held her hand and before I could burst inside the room and ask what was going on, he gently planted a kiss on her forehead and hugged her tight.

I felt my heart pulled into pieces right then.

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