CHAPTER 9: Under the stars.

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                 "Can I take you somewhere?" Zayn asked with a smile, still holding me in his arms.

"And what about the things you had planned for me?"

"We can do that later. I will save it for school. Everyone needs to know the hidden Lia Clinton behind this mask of yours." He said running his finger down from my cheeks to my upper lip and then slightly pressing my lower lip.

I was ready to go anywhere with him tonight. Not just because I trusted him but also because I didn't want to go home and witness the usual domestic violence. Being with Zayn, until that got over seemed to be a good idea. We walked back,hand in hand, to TeeChan restaurant where his car was parked and quickly climbed in his big, grey Audi to make sure the guard won't catch us again.

I left a message to my mom so that she won't freak out if I arrived home late,

Lia: I will be late tonight. Have to go to Victoria to copy down her homework for tomorrow.

I knew she wouldn't have stopped me from going with Zayn if I told her the truth but realising that my dad was home and I didn't know how he would react, I had to lie.

Simultaneously, I left Vic a message as well in case my over protective parents called her,

Lia: Hey Vic. Tell my mom I'm in your home if she calls. I'm out with Zayn.

My phone rang within a second after the message was delivered and I knew who it was.

"Hi Vic. What's up?" I answered the call and braced myself for the rocket of questions which was about to be launched at me.

"To hell with your what's up. You both are dating and your best friend gets to know now." The outrageous voice startled me up.

"It's not like that yet. I mean yeah but we just decided now." I sounded so stupid and I could see Zayn trying hard not to laugh at me.

"As much as I remember you had just told me about one kiss in your room and had convinced me nothing was going on between you two. Now suddenly you are dating Zayn Foley?"
Her concern for me was clearly reflecting in her worried voice.

"I don't know how but it just happened."

"Are you sure about him Lia? You know what kind of guy he is. No doubt he is hot but dating him sounds..." There was a pause and she finally muttered.
"Not safe."

I looked at Zayn who was busy driving  and his feelings for me were quite evident. I don't know why people had this impression of him. He is a good guy or maybe he has showed this soft side of his only to me. There was no way I could feel he is not right for me.

"Vic, he is not what people think of him. Trust me he is safe for me. Infact, I am not sure if I deserve someone like him." I tried to be soft so that Zayn wouldn't hear me and jump into the ninth sky out of happiness that I was complimenting him.

There was a sigh of relief on the other side and the enthusiastic Victoria was back.

"Tell me everything once you are back. I am happy for you. Finally, you showed interest in a guy. Enjoy your date, now go. "

I thanked her and shoved the phone in my small bag to prevent anymore interruptions. I was only Zayn's for tonight. My man.

He pulled over at the top of a high cliff and offered his hand to me. As I stepped out of the car with
Zayn's hand in mine, I felt I was in heaven looking at the beautiful scenario.

It was clearly out of the world. Thousands of stars lightning up the dark sky and I could see the whole city of Washington beeming with colourful lights right infront of my eyes. The roads were illuminated and I could feel the cold winter breeze caressing my hair and cheeks. It was my dreamworld that has emerged in reality. I had never felt such peace in my life before.

We laid on the damp ground, holding hands and looked at the constellations in sky. It was perfect. I had always thought bright, sunny mornings are the best but now my opinion has changed. Nothing can beat this. Even the dark sky can be beautiful. Really beautiful.

"You like it?" Zayn asked with a smile.

I turned to him and found him looking at me with a new sparkle in his eyes. I guess he was nervous.

"I loved it. Thank you Zayn." I muttered and could feel tears trickling my eyes. I had never been happier and it was all because of him. But was he equally happy? And the thought suddenly reminded me of his purple-black bruises and how it hurt him.

"Your bruises. How did you get those?" I questioned

I could see the reluctant Zayn was long gone and now maybe he would answer me.

"It was nothing. I just got fucking angry with my dad for scolding me as the principal had complained him about my bruggles." He answered as it actually meant nothing to him while I was all white and pale with shock.

"So, you mean....your d-dad hit you for that?" I stammered and swallowed the  lump in my throat.

"Yeah it's not a big deal Lia. It keeps happening. I have learnt to ignore it now. I just can't wait to pass out and move out of that freaking house."

"And your mom?"

"She left us when I was nine. I dont even remember her face well."

I was completely shocked. I felt as if someone has wildly knocked me down with a cannonball. How can his dad do this to him? No parent has the right to hit his child. And I suddenly realised he was in pain more than I was. Atleast my parents loved every bit of me. They fought just to have me by their side. On the other hand, I was cursing God to have given me such parents. I felt so guilty.

"I know what you are thinking." Zayn interrupted my thoughts.

"You should not let this trivial things hurt you or change you." He continued. "You have no idea how lucky you are to have parents who love you whereas in today's world, children beg for their parents love. Life will go on and you need to move ahead with it." He said smiling cheekily at me.

Why is his heart so pure? He makes me love him more with every passing second. I don't know how did I get so lucky to have him? I cupped his face and kissed his forehead, wanting to give him all the love that he deserves. At that moment, I wished I had a magic wand like cindrella's grandma with which I would wipe away all his sufferings and I kissed him hard.

Zayn rolled on top of me and started showering wet kisses all over me. He ran his fingers just at the right places and kissed me like he had never before. He slowly slid his hand under my dress then reached the wire of my bra and cupped my breasts. A soft moan escaped my throat as he bit my lower. In a swift move, he took off his shirt and then freed me of the little piece of dress I was wearing. Zayn passionately kissed me again in my neck, my breasts, my lips and I was lost in his scent, totally lost.

We laid on the hard cliff after my first makeout and  let the cold ground burn our cold skin. We had just a thin sheet of cloth that Zayn had in his car to cover our half-naked body. I would have frozen till now if he wouldn't have been there. We talked to each other about how we were before high school and watched the shooting stars lightening up the sky at three in midnight. I was living the best moments of my life when my phone beeped and everything changed.

My heart dropped as I read my father's text.

Dad: Your mom is in St. Paul's hospital. She needs you.

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