CHAPTER 12: You lost me.

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                     I tried to listen what they were talking about. Is he actually hitting on some other girl after saying that I was special and he has got the best of all?

"Don't cry baby sister. It's not what you think." Zayn said soothingly, rubbing her back while she blew her nose in the tissue paper.

"You know you are just a few minutes older than me right?" The girl chuckled through her sobs.

Sister? Like seriously Lia?

I wanted to kick myself for having such negative thoughts about the person I am falling for. I couldn't believe I just thought he was fucking this girl, who turns out to be his sister. 


I wondered why Zayn had not yet mentioned to me about her sister. We chat and talk almost every night, infact every night.  Okay. I needed an answer for this. Their cute moment together reminded me of my elder brother, Austyn. He left for Australia after high school, last year and had never been much close to my family, except me. Austin and I used to spend the whole day together before he shifted. We played bored games, talked about stuff which mostly included her girlfriends and he always calmed me down when I cried the whole night after seeing my parents fight . Though he was just 2 years older than me, he  always acted as my dad, trying to protect me from every situation when my actual dad wasn't there. He also broke the jaw of two guys who tried to kiss me in seventh grade. Yeah, surprise! I was cute then. Both of us stayed with mom after the divorce but  unlike me, he didn't need a therapist to deal with mental issues. He was quite strong. My big bro. I really miss him and we barely talk to each other now. However, he was going to be back in Washington in his summer break this time and I was excited to meet him.

Before my sudden flash of memories changed to tears rolling down my cheeks and my tears changed to muffled sobs which would disturb them, I decided to leave and not torture myself anymore. But just when I was about to walk off, I heard something which changed my life.

"It's not that I have fallen for Lia. You should know it's a part of my plan."


What fucking plan is this boy talking about?

"You have to break her heart. I want Austyn to feel the pain he gave me. He is going to suffer for what he did." The girl spoke through her tears.

Austyn? Where did he come from?

Wait. Did she just ask him to break my heart?

Oh bitch. He won't.

Will he?

I moved closer to the door to listen carefully but made sure I was not visible to them.

"D-don't worry Angela. I know. I wi-ll take r-revenge for you."

And those last 6 words were enough to break my heart. I felt as if someone has shot me, creating a big, empty hole inside. I wanted it to be a bad dream so that I would wake up again with Zayn by my side, attacking me with his most wonderful smile. I felt a tightness developing in my throat. I could barely breathe.

"You know, I am playing around with Lia right now. She is just a boring nerd of this school. It will never get serious. It was always about you and it will always be about you." Zayn said, comforting his sister.

I wanted to kill myself after hearing that. I stood there silent. Numb. It was all black. He never considered me important. Nothing had ever hurt me like this, not even the fight of my parents. I felt torn and shattered into pieces. Is this actually happening? Does he consider me a boring nerd?


Zayn played with my feelings and I couldn't imagine I gave my heart to such a guy who considered it as a toy.
His reality outweighed all those beautiful moments we spent together.
The tightness in my throat was over and before I realized, tears had started staining my face.

"How could you do this to me, Zayn?" I muttered which accidentally was loud enough in that silent room. Both Zayn and Angela's eyes darted to me and they immediately stood up. I saw Zayn's facial expression changed and he tightly shut his eyes for a second before opening it again, as if he was the one in pain.

He rushed to me, leaving Angela with her eyes popped out and I took a step behind.

"I can explain Lia. Please don't cry." He breathed and tried to hold my hand.

I jerked away from him and walks off. I sprinted into the corridor until his strong arm pulled me back into his arms. I pushed his heavy body and freed myself from his grasp, still crying. I didn't realize the bell had already gone and everyone was in their respective classes. Thus, we stood in the empty corridors alone, staring at each other.

"Please tell me it was a lie." I muttered.

He was silent.

"Tell me it was a fucking lie Zayn!" I was screaming now.

He finally lifted his face from the ground and I could see how guilty he was. Okay. I got the answer.

"Not everything." Zayn finally spoke.

You are an idiot to have fallen for him. See, he was just using you.

"So, you were playing around with me, like you do with other girls?" I asked. The tightness in my throat was back. God! I can't cry anymore, not infront of him atleast.

He had his fingers tightened into a fist and his face was pale. He could see the tears welling up in my eyes and I desperately wanted him to say no. I wanted him to pull me in a hug and say that he loves me. I wanted him to tell me he had loved me from the first. I wanted him to tell me that he loved me when we sat under the stars that night. I wanted him to tell me that he always thought me more than a boring nerd of the school. But unfortunately, this was not going to happen. He has broken my heart, completely.

"Initially yes, but my feelings are tr--"

I slapped him hard before he could finish, venting out all my anger. He was playing with me. He never loved me. I didn't want to hear any more lies because I know my heart would force me to believe whatever he would say to have me back. So, I ran away from him, leaving him begging for a chance to explain himself.

You have lost me Zayn Foley.

I locked myself in the girl's washroom and let out all the emotions. It was a mixture of anger, sadness but mostly love. I realised I would never get him back. It was so confusing- his sister talking about my brother, Zayn suddenly revealing his true colours and then asking for a chance, after all that I heard. It was hard to take in so much when I just thought my life can be better and I can be happy. But I was wrong. The key to my happiness was gone now. I never wanted to look at his face.

You broke me.

Yes, you will always remain the boring nerd of school. Lia. Accept the fact. You  never deserved him.

Note: Hey readers! Sorry for the late update. Do you think its over between them? Keep voting and commenting because the next chapter will be Zayn's POV.

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