CHAPTER 5: Alien feeling

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              "Love is confusing. It can break your heart and heal it. Love is about stepping into  the darkness of one's soul and finding light together. It is about exploring the hidden alleyways of Hell and finding a way out, together."

Crap! These love quotes can be such bullshit. I sat cross-legged on the bed in my hello kitty Pajama bottoms, reading the recent love quotes in Victoria's instagram profile. She can be so irritating at times.

I didn't meet Zayn after our intense conversation in the morning or maybe I didn't want to confront him after what he said. Since then, I have not stopped thinking about him. The reminder of his slight touch can send shivers down my spine.

I took my phone and thought of calling him. Should I? Or I should not? Uuggghh frustrating! I finally decided to just save his number. For once I thought of saving his name as, "special" but even the thought of it filled me with disgust and I quickly saved it as "Zayn" , before my heart forced my mind to change its decision. I was staring at his number like a stupid school girl when suddenly the knock at my door startled me and my finger pressed the green button.

SHIT! DID I JUST CALL HIM? Fuck! I am such an idiot. I cut the call before he could pick it up. He is going to think I am a despo. I screamed in frustration and my super caring, over tensed mother was already inside the room.

"Lia, are you fine? I heard you screaming so I had to come inside." The stress lines on my mother's forehead revealed her love for me. I immediately jerked upright and calmed her down.

"Don't worry mom. I am fine. I just got an answer wrong. Now I need to rewrite it again. So I am irrit--"
My phone beeped before I could complete my sentence and the words "Zayn"  flashed on my mobile screen.

"Who is this? Your boyfriend?" My mom asked with utmost curiosity in her beautiful voice.

"No! Just a friend mom!"  And somewhere deep down I knew it was a lie.

"Come'on Lia. You should have boyfriends at this age." My mom winked and left the room. I knew what she meant. My mom will never change. I cleared my throat and reluctantly, but with a million-dollar smile on my face, answered the call.

"Hi Zayn. What's up?" I tried to sound as busy as I could.

"You called me? Was there something important to talk about?" The not-so-angelic voice replied. I wonder what was wrong with him.

"Are you fine? You sound upset. I mistakenly pressed the call button while saving your name." I replied.

"Okay then I will hang up."
And there was the blank dial tone after this cold reply of his. I was not angry at him but now I was worried. What had happened to the playful Zayn I knew. And suddenly my phone rang again with the sparkling and the most wonderful 4 letter word showing up on the screen.

I picked up the call and before I could say anything the cold, husky voice snapped,
"I am coming to your house in 10 minutes. Keep your window open."
And he hung up.

HOLY FUCK! My mother is at home and Zayn Foley is coming to my room now. I was scared and overwhelmed at the same time. He must be joking. But if he is not, I have enough to do in 10 minutes. Zayn! why do you do this to me?

I grabbed my lingerie from the bed and put it in the basket. Cleaned my hardwood floor, which I had not done in a while and made sure my mom was in her room. I decided to change my hello kitty pajamas in case Zayn would not have a cardiac arrest looking at me in this and put on a nightsuit which atleast made me look 17 year old. After I was done, I heard a slight knock at my window.

Oh no! He is actually here.

I opened the window and helped a soaking wet Zayn inside the room. I didn't realize it had started raining and Zayn was shivering even with all the layers he had on. I ran to my bathroom and passed him a towel to dry himself. The guy standing in front of me was not the usual, cocky, self-centered Zayn I knew. His smirk was no longer evident but even with the serious look on his face, he was beautiful as always. I can never get tired of looking at him.

"Zayn, are you fine?" I tried to ask him  what was wrong but he remained silent.
I made him sit on my bed, threw the towel in the basket and sat beside him.

"You can tell me. I will listen." I held his hand to reassure him that I would be here, the same way he was there for me the night I needed to talk to someone.

And suddenly, Zayn freed his hand from mine and pulled me into a heart-crushing hug.


It took me a minute to realise what was going on. Zayn and I on the same room, same bed. His hard, masculine body crushing my soft, not-so-masculine torso. I could feel his chest rise and fall as he breathed heavily on my shoulder. I felt numb. Even with his wet clothes against my body, I felt warm. I was sweating. I didn't know how to respond. His sweet scent controlled my body and I was lost in him. I entwined my hands around his large frame and allowed myself to embrace the feeling that was approaching, something new, something scary but also the best feeling I ever had in my lifetime.

He slowly pulled away after a while. I guess he felt better now.

"I am sorry for that." Zayn spoke finally.

"It's totally fine." I saw him shivering and decided to fetch some fresh clothes for him. I went to my closet and grabbed an old sweatshirt of my father and gave it to him.

As I turned around to give him some privacy to change, he suddenly moaned in pain. I quickly turned back to him and was thunderstorked to see a few horrible, purple-black bruises on his ribcage.

"Oh God! Zayn!" I kneeled down and examined his injuries.

"Haha. I always knew you wanted to see me shirtless nerdie." Zayn chuckled.

"Shut up! How come you got these bruises. They look fresh and
p-painful." I flinched at the thought of how it might be hurting him.

"Oh it's nothing I just got into a fight. They will heal. Don't worry."

"You have lost it Zayn. Wait right here. I will bring an ice pack for you."

"Hey Lia it's totally fine. I just ne--"
I shushed him with my finger and ran down the stairs to bring an ice pack. I was glad to find mom in her room and not wandering around the house which made it safer for Zayn to be in my room.

I locked the door as I went back and ordered Zayn to lie down so that I could place the pack on his bruises.

" You know you are cute when you are bossy." Zayn said through his giggle.

"Shush. Now let the boss do her work." I tried to sound stern.

His lips curved into his most beautiful smile, distracting me. Infront of me was lying the most beautiful guy I had known. A perfect body with a few scars and the perfect smile on a perfect face. How can a person stop oneself from falling for him? He flinched every time I put pressure on the ice pack placed on top of his bruises but his eyes never left my face.

What is he trying to say? Why is he here? And I understood it was going to be a long night with my Mr. Perfect and his confessions.

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