CHAPTER 4: Embarrassing

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Today, I needed no blush on my pale cheeks as they were already coloured due to the flush of blood. I was so nervous and I have no idea what was I thinking last night. Dumb Lia.

I streamed down the stairs, grabbed the apple on the table and rushed out of the door, leaving my hot and yummy breakfast untouched. I heard my mom calling out for me while I started on my bike but after what happened yesterday, I didn't bother to talk to her. I know she would bring up the topic again. So I left my mom standing behind me.

As I reached the school, I saw Victoria's car was not yet there. Where was she when I needed her the most. I looked around to make sure Zayn wasn't there. I was ready to do anything to avoid him today. Though I was not sure I would be able to avoid his irresistable smirk and twinkling blue eyes if he came infront of me. I took out my phone and texted Victoria.

Lia: Where are you Vic? I am waiting in the parking lot.

I waited for her reply but there was nothing. WHERE ARE YOU ASSHOLE!

And suddenly I heard someone called out for me, I turned around to see my recent favourite man in this school walking towards me. Zayn was wearing a ripped blue jeans and a white t-shirt clearly revealing his well-built muscles. I realised he is actually very tall. How can a person resist him? He was standing infront of me before I could escape his blue eyes.

"Hey nerdie. Are you feeling better today?" The angelic voice asked.

"Um yeah I am fine. Sorry about last night. I messed it up and you had to hear all that shit." I apologized, hiding the ashamed feeling in my eyes.

"It's totally fine. I understand your pain. Even I don't get along well with my parents. But you are cute when you cry and snore as well."

Okay. I snored. While talking to Zayn Foley.
It was getting more embarrassing with every word he spoke about last night and I wanted to get rid of him.

"Okay. So I am waiting for my friend Victoria. You can go to your class. I am fine here." I replied as plainly as I could trying to hide my reddened face.
"It's okay I can wa--"
The vibration of my phone interrupted him and I had never been happier about having a phone. It was my very own, useless best friend.

"Where the hell are you Victoria? I have been waiting." I whisper-yelled to make sure Zayn wasn't listening to us.

"I am so sorry Lia. I won't be able to make it to school today. I have to babysit my younger sister as my mom is out of town."

This was the only thing left. What a perfect day.

"Vic I don't know anyone here. What will I do?" I begged.

"It's only for today. Just talk to Emily or your new "friend" Zayn." Victoria giggled and hung up.
I had used this opportunity to admire the walking and living epitome of beauty infront of me.

"So your friend bailed on you?" Zayn asked with a slight smirk on his face.

"Yeah. Kind of. Um-Look, I need to go."
And I walked past him avoiding his shocked blue gaze. As soon as I stepped in the corridor I felt lost in a sea of nameless faces. There was no way I was going to talk to the weirdo, Emily. Oh no, what was I going to do now? Seeing no other option left, I decided to confront Zayn.

As I went back to the parking lot to look for one familiar face in Liberty, I found him leaning against his car talking with a girl.
Oh wait, kissing a girl infact. Though I didn't want to disturb his makeout session in the parking lot, I went and poked him from behind. STUPID LIA.

"How come you are back? I thought you didn't want to talk to me." Said the over confident jerk, turning towards me.

"Um I don't know anyone in here and it's awkward to walk alone. Can you please accompany me?" I tried not to sound stupid.

"Can't you see we are busy, bitch!" Snapped the blonde who was irritated with my interruption. Sad, she didn't get to makeout with Zayn and I don't know why but I wanted to laugh my lungs out at her.

"I think you should leave. She is important." Zayn replied before I could say anything.

What the hell? Zayn Foley said I am important? The girl he just knows since yesterday? Is he serious? One could have easily knocked me down with a feather. I am..... FUCKING SHOCKED.

"Perv!" The blonde moved out of the way, leaving us alone.

"So Ms. Nerd. I didn't know you would come back. Else I would have told Elle to meet me later and not break her heart." Said Zayn. I rolled my eyes as if breaking hearts wasn't a daily routine of his.

I was still not able to get over what he had said to the girl and then the bell rang.

"I think we should move to our class now." And we walked together inside the school campus.

"I could feel all eyes on me." I said not lifting my head from ground.

"Yeah they don't usually see me walking with a girl, it's more of a kissing thing for me. Why are you so shy. What's wrong?" Zayn asked politely as I stood out of my maths classroom.

I was not able to understand the reason behind his behaviour. Why did he give so much of importance to me? He just met me yesterday. There are hundreds of girls who will jump off the cliff for him. What is he thinking and I decided to ask him directly now.

"Why did you call me last night, Zayn? You hardly know me. It was not the usual you to have listened to me the whole night while I cried to sleep. Even now, you told that girl I was important to you. Zayn Foley, the hottest guy in this campus bailed on a blonde to accompany me, the boring nerd, to class. What's going on? This is not the Zayn I have heard about from people."

I saw the smirk and the mischievous twinkle in his eyes disappear. He was damn serious now and I noticed that the serious Zayn is hotter.

"I don't know. I dont know what's happening to me. It's just that you are the only girl in this school who doesn't fall at my feet. You have the guts to walk past me, to say me things, to ignore me. It is driving me crazy, Lia."

My head started spinning before I could grab his over-sweet and unimaginable words. Is this Zayn Foley? Who can't stay with a girl for more than one day? Am I actually driving him crazy?

And for a second, it was intensified blue eyes versus confused brown eyes.

"Lia get inside. What are you doing outside with the jock ?" Mr. Riley's words broke our awkward staring competition and I decided to move away before the conversation got more serious.
Just before I went inside Zayn stopped me by grabbing my wrist and pulled me to him.


His hard, cold palm, twice the length of my face, patted my cheek and he said in his usual sugary voice,
"See you later, nerdie."
He left after passing me a wink, leaving me in a state of shock. What just happened? I tried to gather all the things that snatched away the earth under my feet and forced my trembling jelly-like legs to move inside the class.

Throughout the lecture I was just thinking about Zayn and our conversation today.

What are you doing to me Zayn Foley?

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