CHAPTER 8: The new me.

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My hands flew over my mouth as I heard Zayn uttered those words. I could hardly believe that Zayn had shoplifted before and me doing that, was even beyond my imagination.

"You mean you have shoplifted in your life?" I almost shouted in disbelief.

Zayn immediately jerked upright in his seat and shushed me.

"Can you be soft? I don't want to be arrested and spoil this wonderful date of mine."

"Okay fine! But are you fucking serious?" I was softer this time but my eyes were still popped up due to the sudden revelation.

"Yes I have. It's not a big deal at all and now you are going to do this as well." Zayn smirked with pride reflecting in his voice.

"I don't think it's a good idea. These illegal things and I don't match." I sighed, knowing it was true.

Unlike the other high school students, I had always confined within myself, avoiding all the things that put me in awkward situations. I had never taken any risk. It's not that I didn't want to, but when I did, things turned into a disaster or a tragedy. Thus, throughout my life, I had always been the nerd who studies in the library with none but only books surrounding her.

"Well, you never know if it's a good idea or bad unless you have tried it. Grab the opportunity before it slips out of your hand." The angelic voice said, encouraging me.

He was right. I indeed was a boring person but now, I wanted to live. Knowing that Zayn was there to hold my back, I wanted to taste the risk in life. I wanted to open my wings and fly. Enough of hiding. I was ready to burst my small, personal bubble and come out of my comfort zone.


Zayn and I were standing infront of the supermarket which was just next to TeeChan. I was continuously biting my lower lip to control my nerves and the sweat beeds were rolling down my head, making me feel nausiatic.
Zayn gently squeezed my hand and gave me a reassuring smile.

"I know you are going to love it. You are much more than you think you are. Trust me."
And that moment was bliss. I trusted him, a hell lot.

As we stepped inside the supermarket, I felt like a thief and was constantly trying to hide my face as if they already knew why I was here. Zayn was hovering over me to choose an item so that we could end this soon and sneak in somewhere so that he could end what he had started in my room that night. Pervert!

"Damn it! Everything is so fucking expensive here. I don't want to do it. Poor fellows will suffer a huge loss."
I felt bad for the shopkeeper, looking at the price of every item I found suitable to steal.

"Lia. It's just one thing! Can you please get over this now. They have hundreds of such things in stock. It won't even matter." I could feel the irritation in his voice as I had already spent half an hour in deciding what to lift.

"Fine. Just tell me what you had lifted. I will do the same." I snapped and suddenly saw him trying to stifle a laugh. He came closer to me, just an inch away and pulled me closer by grabbing my waist. His hand slid down my waist to lower abdomen and then to my hip where he slightly squeezed my right bum.


I was controlling the urge to rip my clothes and lauch at him when he finally breathed in my ear,
"Condoms." And he pulled away.

Okay. So he was just creating a situation to say this one damn word. I was blushing and tried to hide my freshly coloured cheeks but failed.

"You can take that. They have plenty of it here and we might need it soon enough." His words followed by his sexy wink almost snatched away my senses and my heart skipped a beat. What was I going to do with him? My frustrating, annoying but the unbeatable Zayn Foley.

I controlled my overwhelming feelings and gave him a dont-be-too-excited look. I searched all over the supermarket for the third time and finally decided to steal a mobile cover which had "forever" carved in it with diamonds. It was a beautiful one and costed just  $30 and I knew it would not make me feel much guilty for stealing it. Though I hated whatever bullshit about forever was written in it.

Zayn smiled and unexpectedly, liked my choice. I slowly pulled the cover from the stand, making sure nobody looked at me and hid it under my short dress.

"Not bad." I could clearly see Zayn was enjoying my nervousness.

By and by, we moved past the counter and my excitement grew as I realized that no one had understood what was I hiding. But my misfortune hit exactly at the right time and I heard the bold, scary voice of the dark bodyguard behind us.

"Hey you two! Where are you going without paying for the mobile cover?"

I shot a dead glare at Zayn and He whispered, "run, NOW!"

We sped out of the main door and ran as fast as we could. I could hear the the bodyguard running behind us but I knew his fat tummy won't allow him to overtake. I could literally feel the cold wind slapping against my cheeks and my purple dress flying in air, giving a pretty good view to the pedestrians but I hardly cared. I ran and ran until we finally stopped to catch our breath. The bodyguard was no longer behind us and we were in a place that we didn't even recognise.

We looked at each other for a brief second and I burst out laughing. I squealed with delight as I had overcame a small part of the old me. I felt new and alive. Thought it felt disgusting to steal something, I was happy to break the rules of my monotonous life and it was all because of Zayn. My man, who was slowly lightening up my life. I had no words to thank him.

"I told you right? Wasn't it freaking awesome?" He breathed heavily and laughed.

I was not able to take my eyes off his beautiful face as his eyes sparkled with joy. We were standing beside a waterfall under a moonlit night and it seemed perfect. There was nothing more I could have asked for.

I jumped over him and kissed him hard, pouring out all the love and he responded with equal passion. I tugged his brunette locks to usher him and he slightly moaned between our kiss. Our tongues playing with each other in my mouth and his hand cushioning my hips. My first date in which I had decided just to talk, had taken a different turn. Maybe, Zayn was right. Instead of bothering about the future, we should let the fate decide what would happen next.

He slightly bit my lower lip before pulling away and breathed heavily. I was lost in his scent and his magical touch but I wanted more. I wanted to experience all the things I had missed in my life.

"What next?" I asked, a little more confident this time. However, I don't know this confidence was because of the successful shoplifting or the passionate kiss we had just now. But whatever was coming up, I was excited.

Zayn smiled his sexiest smile and I knew this time he had something even more breath-taking.

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