Chapter 27: It is complicated.

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I tried to keep myself calm as i drove to Zayn's house. Though my heart was racing with superfluous anger, I had decided to not scream at Zayn and talk to him like normal college mates would do. I knew if I got mad at Zayn, we would say stuff to each other and again my idea of closure would not be attained. I had to move on in my life, with Tyler and for that talking to Zayn for the very last time was important.

I parked outside Zayn's lavish mansion and seeing his car there, I was relieved that he was home and atleast didn't lie to me just for the sake of annoying me.

"Alright Lia, remember keep calm and say everything in your heart. This is the last time you are thinking about this guy." I self-whispered to myself and knocked on the door. An elderly man opened the door whose attire hinted to be of a caretaker of the house.

"Hi! I am Lia. I am a frie--"
Am I even a friend of Zayn's? What am I to him? I thought and on not getting an answer from myself, I corrected
"I'm here to meet Zayn"

The man greeted me and asked me to wait while he asked his permission to let me in. In no time, he was back and told me that Zayn asked me to go into his room.

As I walked towards the room, thinking about how it would be the last time I would share my feelings with Zayn, my heart kept on repeating the same thing,
Stay calm. No crying. Stay calm. No crying. Stay calm. No crying.
I knocked on his door and entered when I heard a grumbled voice from inside which I figured out was actually, "come in."

Stay calm. No crying.

On entering, I saw a shirtless Zayn doing pushups. My entry in the room made no difference to him, neither did he look up nor did he stop his workout. Before I could say anything, Zayn said in his most uninteresting tone,
"Say whatever you have to now! I dont have time."
My anger was back again. Though the sweat beads on his back dripping towards his torso along with the contraction of muscles in his arms made him look like a sex God, I was annoyed.

"And what exactly are you busy doing? Just Working out? You even missed your classes today." I said.

"You're not my mom and this is not school. I will miss class whenever i want to."
Again, his uninterested, egoistic tone kindled the anger in me but I tried my best to stay calm.

"Look Zayn, I Want to talk about something important. Can you just stop for like 5 minutes."
My tone was softer this time but the fire in me was raging with every passing second.

"You are wasting your time. Start Speaking already or leave."

This guy can really test my patience. My subconscious growled at me.

"I am not leaving without talking and we will talk only when you stop this annoyingly irritating workout sesh of yours and get your ass up." I half screamed at his face and then sat on the chair beside his bed.

Fortunately, he stood up and threw a glance of anger at me but did not say anything and sat on the bed.

"And put on a shirt." I added. Mostly because the muscles on his abdomen, now drenched with glistening sweat, were distracting me.

He smirked and got up from the bed, walked towards me and my heartbeat quickened. The way his sweatpants hanged low on his hips and his torso sparkled in the dimly lit room, I almost remembered the first night we spent together, lying under the stars drowned in each other. That seemed like such a long time ago now.

"Why, is it distracting you?." He whispered in my ears leaning towards me and I almost leaned towards him and the warm breath in my ears but then I remembered how everything has changed. It took me all the strength I had to push him away with my hands and onto the bed, creating a 5 foot distance between us. Finally I could breathe.

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