CHAPTER 16: Grown up!

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*A year later*

"Dude, is this shorts too short?" I admired myself in the mirror of my room in dad's house as I dressed up for my first day in college. I was skyping with Victoria and she was suggesting me what to wear.

"Lia. Shorts are short. And come on it looks perfect. Go find a crop top for this." She commanded from that small screen of my laptop while filing her nails.

Bossy as always.

I went inside my walk in closet and scanned for some good black crop tops. I never knew my dad had so much of wealth. I was almost shocked to death when I had entered this mansion a year back, more shocked to see my room. It was equal to 10 times my previous room in Washington. And even bigger walk in closet with hundreds of clothes in it. Yeah, I mean it. Hundreds. My dad.

I put on a sleeveless black crop top which read, " Hey summer" and wore my white shoes. I pulled up my hair in a messy bun and stood infront of the camera for Victoria's approval.

"Hell yeah! You look hot. Go nail it." She smiled and after wishing goodbye to her, I streamed downstairs.

My dad was dressed up in his usual business suit and was reading newspaper sitting on the dining table. Though, we are just two people in house to dine, my father has bought a ridiculously long and big dining table. I dont know why.

"Hey dad. I am leaving. I am already late." I grabbed an apple and kissed his cheek before making my way out.

"Drive safe sweetie." He called out.

Canada has been really lucky for me. My father had got my admission in Prescott private, Toronto high school and I passed my senior year with flying colors, getting admission in Toronto University. I made wonderful friends and got over i-am-an-extrovert zone. Though, I had planned to move to Australia for college, I wanted to spend some more time with dad. It was a complete different experience to live with him. He was always supportive, never intruding my privacy and always made sure I never lacked anything. I usually go to Washington to meet my mother and Victoria. Mom remarried. Yeah the same hospital guy. I am so happy for her. Even Victoria fell in love with a guy named Joey in her senior year. They are hella cute and have moved to New York University, together. Everything is perfect now. My life is perfect but it just lacks one thing. One necessity that my father's money could not fulfill, Zayn Foley. I really tried to forget my first love and move on, but I could not. He is like glued to my heart and his name can never be erased from there. However, the pain he gave me has now decreased. Time and people I met over the last year helped me to heal the empty hole in my heart.

I pulled outside the enormous brick building of Toronto University and took a deep breath before entering the campus. It was huge. My mouth literally dropped open.

Goshh! How come I got admission here? Lucky you Lia.

"Hey? Lia Clinton right? The new admission?" A blonde guy, absolutely gorgeous, asked me with a dazzling smile while I was lost in the beauty of this awfully huge university. Damn! He is hot. His blonde hair feel over his green eyes and the words perfectly rolled over his tongue. He is british I guess.

"Y-yeah I am Lia." And before I knew, I held my hand ahead for the handshake.

Desperate me.

"I am Tyler. So did you like the campus? Do you want me to give a tour and show you lockers and all?" He shook his hand, the sexy smile never leaving his face.

Stop drooling Lia.

"Sure." I said and we walked around the campus.

He was showing me all the classes and the football fields, the activity block, art room and finally my locker. However, I missed half of the description as I was too busy admiring him and his beautiful eyes. He is so hot. But less than him. Soon, The first bell of the day interrupted us. He wished me luck for my first day and went for his class.

I sighed and after taking my Maths book and notebook from the locker, I proceeded towards my classroom as well. I was searching in my pencil bag for a pen, when suddenly I bumped into a very masculine boy and my books and all the materials from my pencil bag spilled on the floor.

"Oops, sor—
An angelic voice started but could not finish.

"Jerk! Watch where you are going!" I snapped as I bent down to pick up my pencils and books.

He was silent. The jerk didnt even bend to help me carry my books. Such a loser. Doesnt he know whats courtesy?

"You can atleast help me." I said, still gathering all the stuffs from the floor.

Silence again. Is he dumb or what?

So much for being attractive and masculine....turn off!

I jerked upright with my books and stuff and froze when I saw his face. The same blue eyes burying into mine, the brunette locks falling over his eyes making him look sexier. And I had a feeling of dejâ vû.

It was blue eyes vs brown, again, after a year.

"Zayn Foley" I finally breathed.

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