CHAPTER 10: Tough time.

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                       I yelped seeing the text and scrambled for my dress, leaving Zayn completely astonished. He must be thinking I am a complete lunatic to have ruined such a wonderful moment together.

"What's wrong?" He asked me, puzzled.

"It's my mom. She is in hospital." I almost cried as I uttered the last word. It was impossible for me to imagine my mom in that depressing hospital room surrounded with electrocardiograms, needles and the horrible smell of medicines.

"Shit! I will drop you off. Get in the car." Zayn said buttoning his shirt.
I told him the hospital's name and we started off.

Even though Zayn was driving at the speed of 120 km/h, I could feel every passing second as long as a day and that I would never reach the hospital in time. All kinds of negative thoughts and visions were floating infront of my eyes. What must have happened? Did my dad just push her off the stairs  so that I would have no option but to choose him? Or did he throw a flower vase at her while they were quarelling? Or maybe my mom hurt herself trying to reason with him. It was getting harder for me to sit any longer, doing nothing. I tried calling my dad but his phone was switched off and I realized that there was nothing I could do to calm my racing heart.

Zayn held me with his free hand while the other was sticked to the steering wheel. He kept saying that everything would be just fine and I can stop biting my nails or tapping my feet but it did no good. I was really, really worried.

As he pulled outside the hospital, Zayn kissed me on my forehead and told me to be strong whatever the situation was. After bidding him goodbye, I ran out of the car and into the hospital reception where I saw my dad sitting on the bench with his head dropped in his palms.

"What did you do to her?" I literally yelled at him.

"How could you even think that Lia? I did not do anything." My dad answered so patiently that for a moment I felt bad for yelling at him. But it was my mom this time.

"Oh please! I saw you entering our house at night." I still had my voice at its highest pitch.

"Yeah I had gone to meet you but when your mom said that you were out with your friends and won't be back till late, I immediately left. You think I would prefer to stay there in your absence? I just go to your home to visit you and nothing else." He explained me and finally my anger drained off. I actually meant a lot to my father. I felt guilty for blaming him initially.

"Then how did this happen?" I asked in a lower pitch.

"I have no idea sweetheart. Your neighbour had called me as your phone was unreachable. They found her unconscious in the garden when they were going out. So, I went home and brought her to this hospital."
For once I was shocked that my dad brought mom here instead of leaving her to die. That was a good change.

"I am happy atleast you  brought her here. And I am really sorry. I just freaked out at the thought of what might have happened...." I broke down in my last sentence and tears started rolling down my cheeks.

My father immediately pulled me in a hug and told me to sit down and relax. He tugged my messy hair behind my ears and wiped away my tears with his large thumb.

"Hey princess! Don't cry. Your mom is going to be just fine. She is a strong lady and of course I had to bring her here, after all she is the mother of my Lia . You are the only thing because of which I can't completely hate her. She gave me you after all."
I smiled at his sweetness and hugged him back. No matter how much I fight with him, I know he would always love me. My daddy.

At that moment, the doctor came out of the ICU and both of us stood up straightaway.

"She is fine. It was just a panic attack. You can meet her. One at a time."

My father gave me a you-can-go-first look and I was already inside leaning towards her bed. The oxygen mask was covering her beautiful face and  needles were mercilessly inserted in her veins.

"Hey mom." I said with a smile to hide my tears as soon as I saw her opening her eyes.

She slowly lifted up her mask and gave me a smile. Okay. My heart beat was normal now.

"You scared me. I thought you fought with dad and ended up here." I said chuckling.

"No darling. That old man brought me here. After that dinner where we both made you cry, we decided not to fight, atleast not for your custody. That would be your choice and we both will respect that." My mom said and I almost felt like she was blabbering.

I covered her face with the mask so that she won't pass out giving me another heart attack and said,"Sleep now mom

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I covered her face with the mask so that she won't pass out giving me another heart attack and said,
"Sleep now mom. We will talk later. I need a proper explanation of how you got the panic attack, but now, just sleep."

I covered her with the blanket and moved out.

I had a brief conversation with the doctor on mom's medication and the precautions she had to take now. Later, I spent some quality time with dad, telling him everything I did all these years. Finally, after dad went home, I silently sneaked into my mother's room and laid beside her. It felt so good to watch her sleep. I chuckled remembering how it had killed me when I heard she was in hospital.  I closed my eyes and embraced her slightly.

"How was your homework session with so-called blue eyed Victoria?"
I could see her sly smile as she muttered sleepily.

"Mom! Sleep!" I ordered as if I was her mother today.

She giggled and to my relief, said nothing else.

I shut my eyelids and suddenly the vibration of my phone woke me up.
It was a text from Zayn.

Zayn: Everything's fine?

Lia: Yeah. Just a panic attack.

My over protective and over tensed boyfriend.

Yuck! Boyfriend sounds pathetic. Can I ever get used to this word? And I heard the soft mumbling again.
"It's his message right? You can go out and talk to your boyfriend. I don't mind."

"Not again mom!"

She laughed seeing the new side of mine and said how much she loved seeing my all pink and red, flushed cheeks.

I think mom had fallen asleep by the time my phone beeped again.

Zayn: Will you be coming school tomorrow? I can pick you up if you want.

Lia: Mom will be discharged in the morning. I have to take her home. Won't be able to make it to school.

Zayn: I will miss you in history class. Take care.

I smiled seeing his message and thought how cute this guy can be. No one will ever believe this badass hard-cored Zayn has a soft and pure heart.

Lia: Thanks for tonight. It was special.

Zayn: My pleasure ;)

I could imagine him smirking and rolled my eyes as if he is looking at me. I switched off my phone and slept holding my mother's hand.

I dreamt of the most addictive drug that night which had blue eyes and messy brunette locks. I was still not ready to accept my feelings for Zayn and give him the title boyfriend. Will this ever work out? Love doesn't exist then why am I developing such feelings for him. So confusing. I had no idea what turn my life was about to take now.

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