2: He Has Some Cute Buddies.

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Two of my brother's buddies came out to help out. One threw a loop over her head to help me out there. The other caught her horns on the other side as well. The one on her heels released catching her horns. I led the way through the chutes. Once we got her as close as possible the gate behind her closed.

She threw a fit. I took my loop off and whipped her hide. She bolted forward getting caught in the chute. The other three released the cow untangling their ropes. I got mine back and went back to help sort them out. I went for the bull in the herd. He was an older one that knew what was going on.

I whistled at him separating him from the cows. I then lazily looped my lariat getting him to go the direction I wanted him to go. When he was a nice distance away I dismounted and dropped the reins holding onto him by the ear. I checked his eyes, nose and got him to open his mouth.

Talk about a bottle baby bull. I then checked his muscling along with hooves. Needs to be trimmed. I put a lead around his neck and led him over to get his vaccines and hooves trimmed. Then turned him out. I went back to my horse and back to sorting. The calves were apart of my work.

A few cows were not happy. As I sorted calves from the cows I ate my lunch. When they were done with it was nearly night. Grandpa pulled me aside. "Go find tomorrow's bunch." He told me. "Yes sir." I said before riding off. Once out of sight, I took my shirt off leaving my sports bra as my only coverage. I tucked it into my saddlebag and rode for the south herd.

I let him drink from the stock tank while I wet my sweat rag. Then used it to hold my short hair back. Then head farther south. I found them and got them to move closer to the stock tank. I checked the time seeing it was nearly eight. I decided to ride around the herd a lap before pulling my shirt back on and heading back to the house.

The barn was my first stop. No one was inside when I unsaddled Twist and brushed him down before letting one of the hands take care of him. I went up to the house seeing my brother and all his buddies sitting around in the living room. I went up the trellis and into my room. I turned the light on and went to my drawers, then to my bathroom to shower.

When I was done I stepped out, got dressed and checked to see if grandma left me some supper. Nope. Guess she was busy with their food. I unlocked my door keeping the key with me as I peered over the banister. Then backed up as they all stood. I laid down on my belly watching as they went out. When they were gone, I sprinted down the stairs and to the kitchen. I gathered everything I needed for my supper before going back to my room.

I then ate before taking my dishes back down. It was my week to do dishes. There was a mountain of them. As I started loading the dishwasher the front door opened. It wasn't the rough bang against the door from when the rougher guys would open it. I stacked the plates up on the side of the sink that wouldn't fit in the dishwasher. Then filled a sink with water.

The fridge door opened up behind me. I started washing and rinsing plates. "Need some help?" I jumped when heard the deep baritone voice. The plate dropped to the floor breaking. "Don't move. I'm not going to try anything." He said as he stepped through the shards. When he got close enough he grabbed my waist, picked me up and sat me up on the island.

"Don't move." He said before grabbing the broom and dustpan in the pantry. He swept the shards away cleaning them up. "Sorry for scaring you. I didn't mean to do that." He said. In the light over the sink I could see he was quite the looker. He finished cleaning the glass off the floor and checked for any more.

"Do you want any help with the dishes ma'am?" He asked. "No. I've got it." I answered. "Alright. I'll make my way back outside. Hope to see you round more." He said before putting the stuff away and leaving out the door. I slipped of the counter and finished my dishes. I wiped the table off and cleaned the kitchen. The front door opened again. I was just about done when another baritone voice spoke.

"Sorry. Didn't mean to." He said. I thought it was the same one as the first one, except he was thinner and his voice was an octave higher. He looked nearly like the other. Twins. That must have been his brother that came in earlier. I finished quickly before going back to my room. They weren't short of good looks.

And the only ones that had actually been nice to me while here. I curled up in my bed and read a bit of my book before falling asleep waiting for tomorrow.

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