38: Baby Shower.

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Grandma came early to help out with the food. Grandpa came with her. Then Mr. Carson came along with Michael tailing. The only indicator to the gender was a blue card. I didn't put the bedding on the crib yet. Blake, Axel, and grandpa were cooking meat. "Oh. There's some of Axel's clothes in the storage building from when he was a baby." Grandma said.

"Want me to get him to drag them out?" I asked her. "If you don't mind." She said. I stepped outside calling Axel to follow. He stood from where he was sitting following me. I opened the storage building. "Think you can dig something out for me?" I asked. "Depends." He said. "Your baby clothes." I said.

"Anything I guess for my sister and future nephew." He said as he started pulling totes out. He checked each one before tugging a large one out. "Our grandparents apparently went overboard with buying me clothes." He said as he sat back on his heels. "Would have been easier if I had asked Blake and Michael to go attic digging for their baby clothes." I said.

Axel chuckled. We both dug out baby blankets before finding the clothes. "Jeez. These are cheesy." Axel said. "Oh look you were so ugly as a baby." I said holding up a photo of him making a weird face when he was less than two. He grabbed the photo from me. "Seriously? That is adorable. I'm keeping this." He said.

"Show grandma. I bet she'll love it." I said. He shook his head as he put the blankets back. "Tell that husband of yours to come help me." Axel said. "Alright. I'm taking this one though." I said grabbing the one off the top. "Does he need any help?" Michael asked as he stepped out. "Yup. Have fun." I said as I continued walking into the house.

I showed grandma the blanket. "I think that was my favorite when Axel was a baby." She said. Axel and Michael brought the tote in. I sat down on the couch as both of Blake's grandparents came in. His mother's parents and his father's. "Ooh a baby boy!" Blake leaned over the back of the couch. I sorted the onesies out by size then color along with the blankets.

"Would you mind a few more?" Blake's Mimi asked holding up some more up. "That might work better than these that are worn out." I said. Blake nodded. "Well those will work for now for favors unless Axel wants them for when he has children." Grandma said. Axel shook his head. "Go for it." Axel said.

Blake leaned down. "Wanna come with me real quick?" Blake asked. I nodded. "Grab seven onesies of any size and a blanket for each." He said. I did. He took my hand saying we'll be back in a few minutes leading me to the door slipping my light jacket on. We went out to the side by side. I leaned on him as we went to the bunk house.

I saw Axel coming behind us. When we got there, Blake helped me out and carried most of the things in my arms. I knocked on the door and heard a beep. I looked back seeing Axel with a camera. One of the hands opened the door. "Would it be alright if we came in?" I asked. "Yeah. Come on in. I'll call them into the living room." He said letting us in.

Blake sat down in the recliner. I sat down on the armrest next to him. The rest of the hands found seats on the couch and floor. Axel stood off to the side with his phone in his hand. I handed the onesies out to them. "What is this supposed to be?" One asked. "It's a baby onesie dummy." "Wait. Does this mean that sometime in the future there will be a baby wondering around the ranch?" One asked. They all looked shocked.

"Would you guys like to come over to the house and eat with us? Don't need to bring anything but yourselves." Blake said. They still had the most shocked look on their faces. "Are y'all just going to sit there and gawk or are ya going to join?" Axel asked them. Blake helped me to my feet. "Come and join when you realize what's going on." Blake said.

We went back out and back to the house. Everyone was mostly there. I guess there's more power in the color blue than I thought. Baby blankets, some infant things, onesies. The ranch hands came in and conversed among the family members. They're so much like family it's unbelievable.

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