26: More Than Best Friends.

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I woke up pressed against his chest. My back to his chest. I could tell his underwear had to be straining with what I felt against my butt. No wonder we'd usually sleep back to back at his house. With how I was laying, I knew that was there, not as badly as it could have been. He shifted in his sleep rolling to his back. I rolled over to try and keep him there.

He wrapped his arms around me. I looked up at his sleeping face. He looked peaceful. I honestly have gotten used to that look when I sleep over at his place or him here. He sighed in his sleep. I carefully pulled myself up and onto his hips just above his groin. He shifted again. I leaned down to kiss his cheek. His eyes fluttered. I kissed his cheek again. He sighed once more before opening his eyes.

"This is a pleasant way to wake up." He said. "Tried not sitting on a certain place." I said. "Happens to every guy once he reaches a certain age." He said. "Not like that." I said. "Sorry you weren't supposed to feel that." He said. I chuckled. "What?" He asked. "Nothing." I said. "I doubt any of the guys that have laid next to you have been like that." He said. "No. Especially had one for as long as you definitely had." I said. He pulled me closer before reaching a hand down.

"If you would stop moving at night, it would have settled better." He said. "Even after the cold shower you took?" I asked. "You knew?" He asked. I nodded. He sighed. "I tried to do it as discretely as possible." He said. "Do you want to talk about it?" I asked. "Not like this." He said. I moved from where I was on top of him to beside him. He sat up and sighed.

Then pulled at his underwear trying to mask the morning wood. I looked a different way as he went into the bathroom not bothering to close the door. "You can step in here to talk if you want." He said. I moved from the bed and sat up on the counter in the bathroom. His underwear were in the floor and he was in the shower with most likely the cold water running.

"How long have you tried to hide your feelings for me?" I asked. "I lost count of the years." He answered. "How many times senior year did you sneak out of the bed to take a cold shower?" I asked. That year we had the most sleepovers. "I lost count." He said. "Junior year?" I asked. "Probably bout half of the time I did senior year." He said. "Sophomore year?" I asked. He sighed.

"I." He sighed once more. "This isn't working. It's not going to go away with just a cold shower." He said. I slipped off the counter. Then removed the tank top I wore to bed. "Could I step in?" I asked him. "If you absolutely think you can help me." He said. I stepped in. His hands were covering his groin.

I ran my hands along his chest. He leaned back against the wall letting me between his legs. I wrapped my arms around his neck reaching up to kiss him before slowly drawing my hands down his abdomen to his hands. I could feel a bit of the hair that surrounded his groin. I pried his hands away. I could tell he was wanting to fight me.

He rested his forehead against mine. I held his hands in mine. "Blake. How many times in the past two years have you thought about telling me that you absolutely loved me?" I asked. He looked right into my eyes. "Every day since I was terrified to kiss you that day before you left. Every time I called, I wanted to tell you. I would work up so much courage to tell you, but then when I would hear your voice on the other end my nerves would get the best of me and take that courage away. Then two weeks after you left, you met him. When I heard how happy you were through the receiver, I tried my best to hide it." He said.

"I would have been more happy if you would have kissed me. And told me how you felt. Blake. Your my best friend. If you would have pulled me aside and told me, even if I didn't have the same feelings, I would have eventually found out my own feelings for you. Maybe after I married him, he would have taken notice and would have asked if I was truly happy being with him. He cares about me, he doesn't care for me though. If he wanted me to be happy, and if being happy is with my best friend, he would have done everything he could to see that I was happy with the true person I love." I said to him.

I could see gentle waves of tears coming from his eyes. He's only cried once in front of me. Now it's a second time. I wiped the tears away from his cheeks. "Blake. I've loved you for years. I hid the feelings thinking that you didn't feel the same way about me. When you pulled back from kissing me two years ago, I thought we were only going to ever be friends." I said.

He picked me up kissing and holding me against his body. "I would never friend zone you. All through high school, I was asked by guys if I was dating you all four years. I would have loved to say yes to every single one of them just to keep them away from you to save you the heartache." He said. One of his hands reached up. The pad of his thumb brushed under both of my eyes. "I don't want to lose my best friend to a man who thinks your less than you are." He said.

"Your not. There's no way I'm going to date another guy who thinks he likes me only to leave me for a girl he likes even more." I said. His brows furrowed. "I'm not going to date anyone else because the one I love is holding me right now." I said. We both quickly turned. He pressed me against the wall kissing me as hard as he could. His hands dipped into my underwear clasping my butt.

"I know we never dated, but I honestly don't need to date you to know your the one I want to marry." He said.

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