32: I Don't Even Want To Know.

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Snow was on the ground barely sticking. The barn horses got blankets and warm water during the day and kept the blankets on at night. I'm now staying in the office everyday to work. Blake wishes he could. Well he does come in to refill his thermos at lunch with coffee. Hello long night of a hyper husband. I finally started making decaf after lunch to hopefully make sure he goes to bed tonight.

I finished some paperwork as he came in. "Tired?" He asked. "Bored." I told him. "I think I've got a cure for that." He said as he closed all the blinds before scooting my chair back. "Would you like to stand for me baby?" He asked. "Do I honestly want to?" I asked. "I think your going to like it." He said. I scrunched my brows until he picked me up and sat me on my feet.

He closed the distance as he started kissing me. I bit at his lip. He bit back. The waist to my jeans loosened. I broke the kiss. "Not here! Someone could open the door and see us!" I said. "The door is locked from the outside. Remember that button your grandfather placed under the desktop for certain occasions?" He asked. I nodded. "It will give us enough time to make ourselves presentable before the door is unlocked." He said.

Ok. He kissed my forehead, cheek, then lips. "Baby or not yet?" He asked. "Give it until at least mid February." I said. "Sounds good." He said. Then found what he was looking for in the bathroom. "Bend over the desk." He said. I cocked an eyebrow at him. "Please? I promise I'll be good." He said. "Better. If not I'll have to trade your equipment in for some better." I said.

He smirked. I bend over putting most of my weight on the desk. He pulled my pants and underwear down just enough. Then had me split my legs a little. I heard him undo his belt before knowing he pulled himself out. He leaned over me, his torso long enough that he reached my head. He kissed behind my right ear before nibbling at the lobe.

When we were right in the middle of it, there was a knock at the door. Blake quickly pulled out and moved my chair back under me. He hid behind the large back to hid himself. I pushed the button to the door letting whoever it was in. I hated how my bare butt felt against the leather chair. Axel opened the door. "I don't even want to know what was going on in here." Axel said.

"What were you needing?" I asked. "Anything else that needs to be done?" He asked. "No. Unless you want to go pick up feed." I said. "I'll do that. Oh and sis. Make sure you and your husband are quiet next time you want to do it in the office." He said before closing the door. "Your dead." I told Blake. "I'll clean everything up." He said.

"Better." I said. "Mind if I start with you?" He asked. "As long as I get to finish this email to another rancher about swapping bulls for a breeding season." I said. "Deal." He said as he put me on his lap. When I finished the email he and I retreated to the house. He cooked while I watched. Every time he moved to a different place in the kitchen I was watching his butt and back muscles flex.

We prayed for our meal before going to get showers and go to bed. He pulled me close to his side holding me against him. I threw my legs over one of his putting my legs between his. We both were happy with our lives. We fell asleep close to each other. He kept me warm all night long.

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