17: I'm Only Me With You.

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I woke up between two warm bodies. The one closest to my phone turned my alarm off. He then rolled over pulling me to him. "The colts' need their breakfast." I said. "Stay here." Rome grumbled. I wiggled out of his grasp and caught myself then went to my closet getting a pair of jeans and pulling them on. I grabbed a tank top and pulled in on after a sports bra.

I then sat on the edge of the bed pulling a pair of socks on. I grabbed my phone and went downstairs. I found something to eat before going to put my boots on and hat. I then exited the house heading for the barn. Twin whinnying met my ears as I opened the over hang door. Both were pawing at the door.

Milk once a day, forage and grain the rest. I set their separate pails down and put water out. When they were done I picked up their pails and opened their door to the paddock along with the other weanlings. They've been pals with those for weeks. Whistling echoed through the barn. Blake.

I poked my head out seeing him walk down the isle. "Wanna go on a ride?" He asked. "Sure. I'm caught up and have to inspect the new project I've got going on." I said. "Nice. What is it this time? It's been forever since I've seen you. I've been busting my tail all summer working for this farmer thirty minutes from here. He finally let me go last week and gave me my last paycheck from him." Blake rambled.

"Well. I've raised twin foals all summer, waited for the twin men to show back up. When they finally did, it was amazing how they treated me and showed me love none of my exes have. Oh and build a cow observation pen for yearlings." I said. "Wish I was with you all summer." He said. "Yeah. Would have been nice to work with my best friend that knows this ranch like the back of his hand." I said.

"So for that ride?" He asked. "Definitely. I'm going to ride bareback because of the last time I rode with a saddle it wasn't pretty." I said. "Yeah. I heard bout that. How's it healing?" He asked. "Whatcha think? My three year old did it." I said lifting the back of my shirt up. "It's doing good." He said. "Let's go!!!" I said quickly throwing a hackamore on my horse. Blake was riding the same way as me.

Once past the gate we ran. "WOO HOO!!!" I yelled. He let out a war cry. Heading east for our own hangout. At the creek we let the horses drink and were cracking up at the craziest things. We then went back to our race. Once there we dismounted and let the horses graze. We got up into our oak sitting in its shade on the large branch. "So have they driven you crazy?" He asked. "Certain things they've done." I said.

"Not as crazy as I've sent ya?" He asked. I chuckled. "No one can do that but you. Especially since your my rock and can keep me going." I said. "Then would you mind if we went to my house tonight and star gazed?" He asked. "Nah. It'll feel nice to get off the ranch. Especially since it'll be a different day than Sunday." I said.

He winked. "Don't care what they'll think?" He asked. I shook my head. "I don't need their permission. I'm a grown woman. They can kiss arse if they think they've got control over me." I said. "Good because I was going to see if we could run town errands for your grandparents today." He said. "Sounds like the best plan I've heard in a while." I said. He smiled widely at my comment.

We rode back not as fast as we went to get out there. As soon as we entered the barn I knew two twins were hacked that I left without telling them where I went. I settled my horse into his stall giving him water and a treat. I gave the horse Blake rode a treat while he gave him fresh water. "Cam." I rolled my eyes before stepping out seeing both Rome and Memphis making their way over to us. Blake stepped out of the stall standing beside me. I knew he was going to be protective of me since he didn't know these two well.

To be honest. I don't either.

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