4: Never in A Million Years.

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The ranch hands met us partway there. "The vet's on his way. I hope you were right bout these cows." The head hand said. "Me too." I said. By midnight I was tired. Grandpa sent me to the house. I took care of my horse before going into the house. I grabbed some food and went for a shower. I ate before crashing.

My alarm went off wayyyyyy tooooo early. I got up and dressed before doing my whole morning routine. I checked the cattle that was up before going to the hay barn. It was empty right now except for a few things. Then to a nice place to nap. I set my alarm for thirty minutes and took a quick nap. Then went up to the chutes just as the vet came in. I dismounted and tied my horse to the fence before starting to line up the cattle.

The vet checked each cow as I ran them through. An hour later the extra help were up moving around. I was working the chute pushing the tiredness away and pushing myself to work. At noon I was yawning. I knew being at the chutes was not smart because of my brother. I pulled my weight and kept going until nightfall.

When Grandpa told me to go up to the house I was thankful. I took care of my horse and went up to the house taking care of my supper and went for a shower. When I was done with my shower, I got dressed before deciding to eat. There was a soft knock at my door. I sat my plate out of sight of whoever it was before answering.

Both twins stood on the other side. "Would it be alright if we used your shower sweetheart?" One asked. I stood silently. "Please?" I opened the door a little wider while the other twin looked back. He closed the door behind him after his brother disappeared into the bathroom. "Sorry for the intrusion. Axel and the rest took up all of the hot water. They went out to the porch to drink and do who knows what. My brother and I don't exactly like to drink. Especially when there's women around." He said as I sat on the bed.

I nodded. "Don't worry bout us. We won't do anything to hurt you. I can promise that." He said. His brother came out of the bathroom and he went in. When they both were done I let them hang around. "So the entire time he's here, you would rather hole yourself up in your room than go downstairs and be out in the open." The deeper voiced one said. I nodded.

"We know you can talk honey. There's no need to be silent around us both. Truth is, we'd rather hear you talk than be down there with those rowdy good for nothings." The other said. They looked at each other before looking at me. "I'll be the first to admit this. Your brother is something we're not going to say in front of you. He doesn't deserve to come home to a sister like you and one that tries everything in her power to keep up especially when she's been up nearly twenty hours." The second one said.

The larger one moved to my bed. That made me move back. "Do you have anything to do tomorrow?" He asked, his head near my lap. "No." I answered. "Well. Your grandfather asked us to keep an eye on you for the rest of the week if that's alright with you." He said. "I don't know if that would be a good idea." I said.

He gave a slight smile. "Axel will just have to get over himself. Especially since your grandfather saw how your talking to us and none of his other buddies." The one still standing said. "I guess that means your going to have to figure out who is who." The one on the bed said. "I don't even know your names." I said. "Memphis." The one on the bed said. "No. I'm Memphis. He's Rome." The other said.

The one on my bed chuckled. "Always getting me brother." He said. "I am Rome. He's Memphis." The one on the bed said. "So your Rome and that's your brother Memphis?" I asked. "Yup." They both said. "Now I know who is who." I said. "You sure we're not lying to you?" Rome asked. "I may need to see the ID in your wallet to be sure." I said. Memphis chuckled before actually doing just that.

A bang came from my door. "I know you two are in there with my sister. Open up." Axel yelled. "Like I said. He's something we don't want to say." Memphis said quietly. I got up as Rome moved to the floor away from my bed. I unlocked the door peering out. "What do you want?" I asked. "My buddies. Let me in." He said. "No." I said then closed the door in his face.

Did I mention that he has a temper that I've also inherited? I just have more of the stubbornness than him. He banged on the door again. "Not opening for you. I've cut you from my life so get out of it." I told him. He hit it again a split breaking. I honestly didn't. I need my older brother. He's the only one that will chase the guys away from me. Never in a million years will I cut him from my life.

I don't even know if he still cares about me.

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