3: Maybe I'll let Them Come Closer.

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I got up and around before going out to saddle Twist. Then went out to the south herd. I gathered them up single handedly heading back towards the chutes and pens. I knew this bunch knew what to do. This is the seasoned herd. Once they were up at the chutes I took off for the west herd. I gathered them up and started moving them closer.

It got hot on me. I took my wrangler shirt off wearing a sports bra underneath. By mid afternoon I had sweat forming where it didn't need to be. Twist and I reached the creek and cooled off there. I used my shirt as a rag to get the sweat off my breasts. Then wet it down. I wet my hair down and got my jeans wet.

Then started back toward the pens. I was behind the herd. One of the hands came up. "Need some water boss?" He asked. "Yeah." I said taking the water from him. I drank the entire bottle before sticking it in my bag. "Thanks." I said. "No problem." He said before starting to sort the weanling calves out.

The bull went after him. I went after the bull. I hit him on the flank knocking him away. Then roped him. He's a jump and bite short of being a bucking bull. I hit his hide running him in a tight circle before leading him up to the chutes. It's too hot to put my shirt back on I know that as a fact. One of the seasoned ranch hands quickly vaccinated him and helped me turn him loose.

"Go check the north herd. It'll take us two days to get this herd done." Grandpa told me. "Yes sir." I said before riding off. As I got to the north part of the creek I let Twist get a drink while I cooled off. Hooves pounding the ground had me looking around. Two super similar faces came into view.

I wet my hair down before wetting my shirt again. I stood back up and beside my horse. "Mind if we join you?" The thinner one asked, he also had a higher voice. "Don't care." I said as I noticed they both had their shirts off and each had a decent spread of chest hair. They both dismounted and led their horses closer to the creek.

Now getting a better look at them, they both had a trail of hair coming up from the top of their jeans fading up to their belly buttons. Twist sniffed their mounts as I finished. I took my shirt wetting my horse's neck wasting time. "Do you mind the company?" The other asked. "I'm used to it." I said. Then led Twist a ways down. I found a flat rock pulling myself back up into the saddle.

I glanced back before riding a ways off before actually looking back. I could tell they were talking among themselves. I stopped before whistling to them. They both lifted their heads. Then one said something before they both got back onto their horses and following. I rode Twist to the north side of the property seeing the herd. They rode up on either side of me.

"What's the plan?" The larger one asked. "Circle round them. Make sure none are dead or severely injured." I said before riding off in one direction. I went along the side watching for anything that could jump out. These are the crazies. A calf laying in the grass a little ways away from the herd had me investigating. I dismounted and saw the cow still in the herd.

I went right to the calf seeing it was dead. Stillborn. I got my rope tying its heels up and dragging it away from the herd. Never good when a calf is born like this. Once a good distance away I untied the calf and checked it once more. It was a premature calf. I shook my head before going back to my horse.

I whistled trotting around. They started to move south east. I whistled again. The twins were on either side of the herd. With them walking I was able to move them away from where they were sitting. A cow bawled out. I went over close to it. She was down on her side.

I was able to tie her to a tree to assess her better. The way she was contracting her stomach was not good. I grabbed my radio sending a mayday out. I then reached in to see if I could feel anything. "That's not a calf." I muttered to myself. Then found the hooves. "Mother of ick." I said before taking a good hold of the ankles. I yanked barely getting anything. Then put both in barely getting anywhere.

"Need some help?" One asked. "Yeah. Something to grab these heels with. I hope this isn't what I think it is." I said. He handed me the rope he had. I tightened it up and started pulling. Something ripped inside. "Crap." I said before reaching farther in. Behind what should be the shoulders is flesh. Torn flesh. I went back to pulling. Another set of hands grasped it behind mine.

We both pulled on it. Half of the calf came out. Dead and inside out. "What is that?" The twin asked. "What I'm afraid of. The vet needs to meet us up at the chutes as quickly as we can get these girls rounded up." I said. The cow was still heaving to get the rest of the calf out. I reached back in finding another set of heels.

He helped me get the rest of it out. Then let the cow go. "How many is that so far?" He asked. "Two. Premie calves." I said. "May need to get them up to the chutes then." He said. "Too many already dead. Don't need any more." I said. He nodded. His brother rode up. "Need to get the entire herd up now." He told his brother. The one still on the horse nodded.

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