20: The Truth.

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We stayed out there until it was nearly dark. Grandma and grandpa went home while Axel stayed. The twins stayed too. Probably with hopes that they'd see me again. I don't want to see them again. There was a knock from down below. "Blake. Someone wants to talk to Cam." Michael said from below. "Who?" Blake asked.

"The twin named Memphis." Michael said. "Description." Blake said. "Thinner one." Michael said. "Let him up?" Blake asked me. "I guess. As long as you stay up here." I said. "Send him up." Blake told Michael. There was some hushed talking below. We both heard someone climbing up. Blake kept as close as he could.

When the twin was completely up I could tell it was Memphis. "How are you honey?" He asked. "Could be better." I said. "How so?" Memphis asked. "Your stupid brother." I yelled. Memphis sighed. "Sick and tired of getting blamed for his sh—." He said. "What do you mean?" I asked. "I'm not into the poly thing. He is. He can find a guy he wants to share a woman with." Memphis said.

I furrowed my brows. "I could tell you don't need us both. Your an independent, strong woman. No one could take that from you. Not even that idiot I call my brother. Your going to find a great guy one day and he's going to treat you like the stubborn queen he's going to see you as. If your selling those twin colts, I've got a great home for them both to go to. I've got to make up to someone Rome absolutely hates. Since they came from pure stock, I know she's going to fall in love with them.

"They'll grow out of their crazy stage and into an amazing can do will do stage. If she can't train them, then I'll ask if you can. I'll let you meet her too." He said. "So you were faking it?" I asked. "That's how a man should treat you. Don't forget that. I faked it not for you, but because of his temper. I was trying to keep you safe from him by faking it." He said. "I'm sorry for doing that to you."

I stepped down off the railing and slid to sit down next to him. "May I be forgiven?" He asked. "As long as you can get Rome to leave me alone." I said. "Deal. Then I'll let my girl come to the ranch and check out those colts." He said. I let him hug me. "That also means you both can't do anything in my room tonight. As soon as you get back to the house go up to my room, get everything of yours and his out then lock the door behind you." I said.

"Done." He said. "See ya tomorrow sometime. I won't tell Rome your still here. I'll tell him you went back with your grandparents." He said. "Thanks." I said before he climbed down. Blake then sat down next to me. "I guess he didn't like the way his brother was treating you." Blake said. "Guess not. I hope he sends Rome off. If he can't, Rome has another thing coming." I said.

"You know. Your one of the meanest people I've met, yet your so kind when no one ticks you off." Blake said. "I try." I said. "I know. We all try." He said before kissing my temple.

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