5: Don't Try Me.

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I woke up Friday morning with the will to get up. Tonight is a jackpot that I entered weeks ago. Axel's jackpot is tomorrow. Yesterday he made it clear to everyone that I can't compete in it. That's fine. I've got a few tricks up my sleeve. I snuck downstairs and out the door. I ran to the barn for my horse and two others.

Once they were ready to go I got Grandpa's truck he lets me drive and hooked the gooseneck up to it. Then loaded the horses up along with a change of clothes, hay, and buckets. I grabbed some brushes and leads before putting them in with two extra saddles, a pair of riding chaps and vest.

I then hopped in and went to the place it's being held. I knew I saw Axel and his buddies standing on the porch wondering who's taking the gooseneck. It was about a thirty minute drive to this guy's place. I found a place to park before signing in. Then found out my number in each event. I went back and got the horses ready for the events. Roping is first up in one hour. I ate a quick breakfast before tightening the cinch on Twist.

A full Friday of jackpot. I threw a fifty into the jackpot with hopes of winning it back plus more. When they called tie down roping I mounted up and warmed my horse up before going over there. I waited for my turn then backed Twist into the box. I noticed my best friend and his brother were watching. Then saw the twins along with Axel and his other buddies. I took a deep breath before swinging my loop once and calling for it.

I caught the head perfectly and jumped off. I flipped the calf with precision and tied him fast. Then went back to my horse. They clocked it and I got the time for the event. I exited the ring and went for my second horse. Then did breakaway and team roping with my best friend. "Nice work girl!" He said as we went back to the trailer. "I know. You too." I said. "Get ready rough stock is up next. I know you've got it in the bag." He said. I nodded as barrel racing went. I put the chaps on along with the vest.

Then went behind the bleachers hiding from my brother and his buddies. I'm sure Blake's brother knew he was here and was avoiding him. He saw me under the bleachers though. Then went to the chutes going ahead of me. He blocked the view from Axel so I could sneak back without him noticing. "Knowing him, he'll kill ya for this." He said. "Don't care. He probably doesn't care either." I said.

"Mouthpiece?" He asked. I showed it to him. "Jeez. A night in jail doesn't sound bad at the moment." He said. "No talk like that big bro. No one wants to go to jail for a night or longer." Blake said. "First up." The iconic song Bad to the Bone started playing. "You know her since she was a young girl." I moved closer to the chute I was to be in.

"Give it up for Cam Sequoia." The announcer said. I saw Axel jump up running. "I'm doing this." I said. "He's not gonna to let ya." Blake said. "He can get over it. This was my sport before it was his." I said before shoving the mouth guard in and climbing into the chute. I lowered myself down as Blake and Michael helped. They both knew the risk I was taking.

I got up on the rope ready to go. I nodded. The gate flung open. I held on as the bull bucked and spun. I looked like I've been doing this for years. I have. When that buzzer sounded I pulled off a dismount barely any bull riders could. Then got to the side of the arena and up on the side. Blake was about to ride. I got down and smirked. "How bout that boys? Cam is definitely one to beat. No ones going to get that fire out of her."

I walked back to the truck. The vest and chaps being taken off and set inside the tack compartment. I unsaddled the horses and put their halters on them. The awards were about to be handed out. I put money in each event and hopefully I win them. As I finished my shirt was grabbed and I was flung back against the truck.

"What was that?" Axel spat. "Something you'd never do." I said. He pulled me forward and shoved me back making me hit the truck again. "Don't play dumb with me. I know exactly what that was. You thought you could show me up in front of my buddies. I don't think so." He spat. "I entered it weeks before you or your buddies planned to show up. Grandpa knew I entered it. Grandma knew. You obviously can't get it through your thick skull that this was my sport not yours. Just wait until you get laid up and can't walk or get around to fend for yourself.

"I'm not going to help you. I know what I'm doing. You obviously don't." I said before starting to walk away. "Don't you dare turn your back on me." He said. "I already did. You turned your back on me years ago. Now it's my turn." I said as I spun around quickly saying that as I walked backwards before turning back around to finish walking. I know he's ticked, but I'm hacked.

I stood by waiting for my name. Tie down, won. Team roping, won. Breakaway roping, won. Bull riding, definitely won that. "I would say celebrate but Axel is glaring at either you or me." Blake said. "Me. He's ticked that I beat him at his own sport." I said. "You've been doing it since we were five." He said. "And him since he was twelve." I said. "That three year gap would have made him eight when you started." He said.

"I know." "Stay safe Cammy." Blake said before having to go. One of the guys came up to congratulate me. "Thanks man. See ya round." I said. It's going to be hard to get used to my brother thinking he's better than me.

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