6: What He Doesn't Know.

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I got a shower and exited the bathroom. I hid the cash money from Axel. There's no way my brother was going to use anything against me. My phone rang. The one person I never want to be with again was calling. He'd stop by, try to apologize, make up, kiss up, there's no end to his antics to try and get my Grandpa to give me away to that SAB.

The sheriff's son, and if his wife would stop getting in the way of him punishing that twerp, then he'd leave me alone. After the tenth call I slid my phone under Axel's door for him to be bothered by that butthole. Maybe he'd get his head out of his own. I then went back to my room and curled up on my bed. Reading my book.

"What the —— do you mean? You never had permission to date her." H. O. L. Y. C. O. W. I stopped what I was doing and listened in. "You call this number again or come by the ranch, you won't be leaving in your car. You'll be leaving in an ambulance with a written statement from me that you were trespassing on private property." Axel said loudly.

Yup. Temper flared up. Not getting in the middle of my brother and this ex that won't leave me alone. My phone slid back under my door and it lit up with a text. I went over and picked it up.

Axel: You Owe Me.
Me: Thanks for still caring about my love life.

He didn't respond. I'm sick and tired of it being all about him! I stuck my phone on the nightstand and peered outside the window. He was sitting in a half circle with his buddies around him. Are you freaking kidding me? Memphis peered up. I closed the drape fast before peering back out. He was shaking his head and leaned over to his twin, Rome.

Rome then looked up catching me. I closed it back. "You don't need my sister's number." Axel said. "You and your brother are not messing with my sister." I became curious now. "Why not? Your never around to deal with any of the possible ex boyfriends that won't leave her alone. If things didn't work out between us, we'd leave her alone and never come back to this ranch unless she says we can still be friends with her and come here to help your grandfather out." Rome said as he stood toe to toe with Axel.

I groaned. Then went to my phone trying to call Axel. He answered surprisingly. "What?" He asked harshly. "Get over yourself. You know those guys from my high school class. You obviously can't keep them away from me. Michael and Blake have been doing a better job at it than you. Get over the fact that you can't get a girlfriend and maybe help your little sister out when ten other boys are trying to get into her pants because her brother lets them.

"I doubt Grandpa would allow that. There are ten other boys trying to call me wondering if I'd go somewhere with them and won't take no for an answer. You used to be the one that would beat up on guys and threaten them to stay away from me. I want that brother back. Oh wait I need that brother." I said before hanging up.

Then peeked out the window seeing him throw his phone. I closed it back and plopped down onto my bed. The front door slammed shut. I had written a letter to him after he started rodeoing and being gone most of the year. It only got worse the more he was gone. I had over a dozen papers filled with things I wanted to tell him, but knew he wouldn't care about.

The familiar pounding on my door had me slip the papers under the door. I heard them being picked up before his footfalls fading before a door closed. I couldn't stand it anymore those papers contained everything he doesn't know about. If he wants to be the big brother I need then he can. If not, I'll have Michael and Blake take them out.

The sun started sinking when there was a soft knock on my door. I got up and unlocked my door before pulling it open slowly. Axel stood there with the papers in hand. "Do you honestly feel that way?" He asked. I nodded. He took a step back and held his arms out, palms up. I stepped out of my room closer. He then pulled me to him. It wasn't a hostile grab, it was one that said 'you should have came to me sooner with it.'

I let my arms wrap around him as he held me against him. This was the brother I remember. Now he knows about all of those guys still trying to get me.

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