12: Best Possible Timing.

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I got out of the wet bra and underwear setting them with my wet clothes. I then pulled the shirt over my head. It was nearly to my knees. I sat down with it on. It covered even with me sitting. I took a deep breath before standing up again. I opened the door. "Long enough?" He asked. I nodded. "Need anything underneath?" He asked. I stood uncomfortable. "One second honey." He said going back into the bedroom. He came back with a pair of boxers.

"These should fit better." He said as he turned around. I pulled them on and used the strings to adjust them to my waist. "I'm good." I said. He turned back around and picked me up without me saying anything. "Dry?" He asked. I nodded. "Your hair's not." He said. He set me down on the couch before going to the bathroom. "So what are you two doing back here?" I asked.

"Didn't want to go to the rodeo that was happening this weekend. Too many irresponsible rowdy cowboys. We never usually go to that one for that fact." He said. "Here let me see your ankle." Memphis said sitting down at my feet. He gently took my left foot in his hand gently pressing on it. I hissed when he found a sore spot. "You got lucky. It's a minor sprain. Let me get some ice." He said as he stood up.

He went to the fridge and opened the bottom compartment. Then grabbed an already made ice pack. "Never know when either of us will need an ice pack." He said. He flipped it over before bending down holding it to my ankle. The rain was still pouring outside. "They should be up in a moment." He said. "How many went out?" I asked. "Just Rome And another ranch hand." He answered.

We both heard the rumble of another ATV. "That might be Rome." He said. Few seconds later Rome entered. "Jeez. That's my favorite shirt." He said. "Just grabbed one bro." Memphis said. Rome shook his head as he pulled his boots off. "You look dry compared to me." Rome said. "I changed into something dry." Memphis said. Rome shook his head again as he went to the bedroom.

He came out a few minutes later in basketball shorts and a tank. He picked me up setting me on his lap. He was nearly as warm as Memphis was. "Are you still cold?" Rome asked. I nodded. "Burning up though." He said. His hand felt cool against my forehead. "Probably got a cold from being out in the weather." Memphis said. "Should take her up to the house." Rome said.

"Agree. Once her ankle is numb should be the best time." Memphis said. "What happened?" Rome asked. "Sprained. Not bad." Memphis answered. I was lulled into a doze as they were talking softly. Their matching chuckles brought me out of my doze. "I think your ankle is numb honey." Memphis said. Rome stood up with me still in his arms.

"Her grandparents do know that she's safe." Memphis said. "Good. I wouldn't want them to worry." Rome said. "I'll get her wet clothes you and her can start for the house." Memphis said. "To the backdoor?" Rome asked me. I nodded. He grabbed a jacket hanging by the door. He set me down for a second as he put it on then grabbed another. "I doubt Memphis would mind if you used his spare jacket." He said as he helped me into the large jacket.

He zipped it up and pulled the hood up before picking me back up. "Ready?" He asked. I nodded. He kept a tight hold on me as he jogged for the back porch. Once there he too the hood off his head and mine. "Jeez it's wet." He said. He pulled his shoes off before stepping inside to set me down in a kitchen chair.

Grandma came into the kitchen. "What happened out there?" She asked. "Raining cats and dogs. I was almost done with checking for calves when the storm came out of nowhere." I said. "How far did ya get?" Grandpa asked coming in just before Memphis entered. "West herd. Twist and I were just past the tree line when it started pouring down. He spooked at something, I fell off, and took shelter under a tree." I said.

"That smaller one close to the tree line?" Grandpa asked. "Yeah." I answered. "That's where I found her. I brought her up to the barn and let her get out of her soaking wet clothes and checked out her ankle." Memphis said. "What's the damage to it?" Grandma asked. "Sprained. Not too bad though." "Go shower Cam. Get warm. I'll make something warm for you three." Grandma said.

I nodded standing. "Need some help getting up to your room?" Memphis asked. "Yeah." I answered. He let me use him as a crutch as we went to the stairs. He walked behind me then helped me to my room. I got clothes for my bath and went to get in. He waited outside my bedroom door the entire time.

My face and body was mud stained. I got into the warm bath sinking in. I washed my hair once I was warmed up then my body. I rinsed off with warmer water and got out. I dressed and went into my room. I flopped down onto my bed catching my breath. Those two have the best possible timing that I know of.

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