22: Blake.

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I lost her. I should have said something before she went off to college. I could have stopped this whole thing from happening. I freaked out when I almost kissed her before she left. I told my summer boss that I wanted to wait until after the wedding to start work. It would have drowned me in work while she went off with him on the honeymoon.

Now I stand looking at myself in the mirror in the bathroom, of the church. I look at myself in a tux I had rented for the occasion. Mike had one still from his senior prom that still fit him. She was my date to both junior and senior prom. We wore corresponding outfits and even died our hair senior year to match. I smiled at the memory. We did so many crazy things growing up.

Every little crazy thing about her was perfect to me. Now watching from the sidelines and behind everyone, I'm giving my best friend away to a man I don't know. I've been in love with her for who knows how long. Every single boyfriend that would dump her, I was always right there after Axel left to hold her while she cried. To comfort her when she thought about what was wrong with her.

To me no one could compare to her beauty. She's all I ever wanted, needed even. I love everything about her. I pulled the flask out and took a drink trying to calm my nerves. I tucked it back away before Mike said it was time. I said I wasn't going to cry. I don't know if I can keep it in. It's too late for me to say what I need to. She never will know that I've had to hold this in for years.

I took another drink before nodding. I stepped out and was about to go find my place against the wall near a door when I spotted how beautiful she looked in her dress. It didn't match her personality though, but it still looked amazing on her. She looked up catching my gaze. I gave a small smile. "You look beautiful Cammy." I said. "Thank you." She told me. I could only wish it was me she was marrying.

I've got to stop living a fantasy and see that my best friend is about to take another man's last name. "Good luck. I'll possibly see you afterwards or after the honeymoon." I said. She gave a light smile. "Same to you." She said. This is killing me. I absolutely want to tell her. My chest was aching from how bad it hurt.

I leaned against the wall in the back of the church waiting to watch her go down the isle. She looked absolutely stunning in that gown. The groom was already down at the pulpit waiting on her. I wish that was me. When the wedding march started Mike was sided up beside me. Once there her grandfather gave her to the man. I couldn't listen in. I ignored everything until I heard gasps from the crowd...

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