21: While Gone For College.

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Time hop two years

I haven't heard from the twins in a while. I talk to Axel nearly every night and he visits me on campus or at the apartment when he can. Blake and I talk nearly every day. I've been getting pictures of the colts once a month and their growth. They've gotten so big since I left. I go home tomorrow to the ranch. With my fiancé.

Grandpa approved him and will meet him for the second time since he proposed. I finished packing my bags and took them to my truck. A truck pulled up next to the empty parking spot next to mine. My fiancé stepped out. I went up to him wrapping my arms around his neck. He wrapped his around my waist. I reached up as he leaned down to kiss me.

"Finishing up packing?" He asked. "Uh huh." I answered. "Almost ready to go?" He asked. "Yup." I said. He kissed me again. We haven't done anything more intimate than cuddling on the couch. "Would you care to join me for dinner then a movie?" He asked. "You know I would love to." I said. He kissed me once more.

"Need any help with the rest of your bags?" He asked. "You know I can get it myself." I said. "Just making sure angel." He said. He kissed my forehead before letting me go. His hand gently swatted my butt. I went back to my shared apartment getting my last two full bags, leaving my overnight bag in my room.

One of his buddies is going to take his truck to the ranch. Three girls I met are going to be the bridesmaids. His mother took care of the wedding dress, cake and where we're going to have it. A tiny church that will fit both of our immediate family and friends. I put the rest of my bags in the truck, locked it before getting into his.

We went to a more fancy restaurant than usual and got out. We 'somehow' had a reservation for two. After dinner we went to the movie then back to the apartment. "I'll be by bright and early angel. Sleep good." He said before kissing me. "I'll see you in the morning." I said before going up to my apartment. I unlocked the door and stepped in.

"Another date with the fiancé?" Gini asked. "Yup. Before we head to the ranch tomorrow morning bright and early." I said. "Have fun. I'll make sure it's in top shape." She said as I went to my room to gather clothes for a shower. When I was done, I got out and to my room just in time for Blake's call. "Speak." "Whatcha know Cammy?" He asked. "Getting ready for bed." I said.

"I'm guessing your coming home tomorrow?" He asked. "Yeah." I said. "Is the fiancé coming with you?" He asked. "Uh huh. Wedding is in a week if you remember." I said. "Yeah. I remember. It's. It's just unbelievable. That your getting married in a week." He said. "I know. I hope you'll be there tomorrow night to meet him." I said.

"I wouldn't miss seeing you for anything. Right after the wedding I'm going back to work for that farmer." He said. "I'll definitely miss my best friend while I'm back." I said. "Do you know anything about the honeymoon?" He asked. "No. He won't tell me anything. I was hoping that cabin that my grandparents built as a retirement home on the west side of the property." I said.

"I don't know what to tell you Cammy. I can't judge him because I haven't met him, but he sounds like a really nice guy if he makes you happy." He said. "Thanks Blake. It's nice that your still supporting me even though I'm about to be married to a man I love." I said. There was a pause. "I'm happy for you Cammy. I really am."

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