7: Could We Get Along?

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I got out of bed early deciding to go on a trail ride for the whole day. I invited Blake along so Grandpa won't be so worried. I saddled Twist and was about to saddle another horse for Blake when I heard hoofbeats and boots. I looked out into the isle seeing Axel leading one of his horses. "Wanna go on a quick ride to talk?" He asked.

"I guess." I said then loosened the cinch on the horse. I grabbed Twist and mounted up. He followed suit. I started for the east pasture. He was right beside me. He got down and opened the gate letting me ride through the gate then led his horse through and closed the gate. We both then rode in silence as we put some distance between us and the barn.

We reached the tree line about thirty minutes later. "Cam. Why didn't you call and say that those guys were doing all of that?" He asked. I stayed quiet. "Camellia you know I still care bout you. The problem is that your not telling me anything anymore." He said. "Same with you. You don't tell me anything anymore." I said.

"I don't have a reason to tell you everything." He said. "There's always a reason. It could be that your bored, that you want to to check on things, even if you don't want to talk directly to a family member you could always shoot a text before you compete or hanging out with guys you don't like very well." I said. "Too many of them there." He said.

"Hide away in your trailer." I said. "Not that easy." He said. "Come home between certain rodeos." I said. He looked over at me. "How many guys exactly have tried to hurt you?" He asked. "Lost count." I said. "When you have time between now and the time I leave for the next rodeo, I want a list of all of the guys that have tried to." He said. "And if I think of any more after you leave?" I asked.

"Text me the name. I want to know the names." He said. I nodded. "Have anything planned today?" He asked. "Trail ride with Blake. Then maybe hang out and do nothing." I said. "Wanna head back before he gets here?" He asked. "Can. Or before any of your weird buddies wake up." I said. "Which ones are giving you a hard time?" He asked. "Is it the twins?"

"Definitely not them. They've been nice and have not tried anything on me." I said as we turned our horses around. "Not even with their kinky ways?" He asked. "Don't even know what your talking bout." I said. "They like to share." He said. "Clothes?" I asked. "Nope. Women." He said. "Why would that be weird?" I asked. "Sharing? I'd rather have my own woman." He said.

"Well. I guess if they were raised like that then it would make sense to them to share. Or if they grew up having the same feelings for the same girl or now, woman, then that would be another reason they could share." I said. "How would you know?" He asked. "Have you not seen how big of a bookworm I am?" I asked.

"Explains it." He said. "Honestly, the only problem is when it comes to marriage." I said. "Don't want to hear bout it. I hear it too much from them." He said. I silently chuckled. "Wanna race back?" I asked him. "Nah. Your horse is too fast." He said. "Chicken." I said before taking off.

I was going easy on him until I saw his horse move closer to mine. I let Twist know he was about to pass us and sent him into full throttle. We got close to the gate and he sailed over it. I was hysterically laughing. Twist slowed down near a water trough. Axel rode up next to me. "Told ya your horse was faster." He said. I shoved him off his horse with my foot.

He fell off onto his back. He groaned and laid there. "You Alright there bubba?" I asked. "You better hope I'm not severely injured." He said. "Your not. I know your not." I said as I dismounted. "Sisters." He grumbled. "Ya still love me." I said. "Not cut?" He asked. "Never was." I said. "Think we could get along?" I asked.

"Yeah. We can get along." He said.

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