16: Your Ours Only.

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After a few minutes I saw them coming out of the barn with three horses saddled. I stood up and started walking with Whiskey and Malt in tow. Whiskey sneezed right before Malt did. I couldn't help but shake my head. Then Rome sneezed before Memphis. Are you kidding? I finally busted into a laugh. I guess they both heard me laughing because they both were smirking when I approached. They both hugged me and kissed my cheeks.

"How does a ride sound?" Rome whispered into my ear. "I need to put these two away first." I said. Just as I said that one of the hands came up. "I can take them for you." He said. Memphis winked at me. I let the hand take the twins. He walked back into the barn with them. "And for you, our girl, your stead is waiting." Memphis said.

I took the reins from Memphis before going around to the left side of Twist. Before I could even pulled myself up, Rome was lifting me up into the saddle. "You know I can do it myself." I said. "But I absolutely wanted to do that sugar." He said. "So where were you two thinking bout going?" I asked. "Our secret." Memphis said as he and Rome got onto their horses. I followed them in the middle.

"It's been too long." Rome said. "Would you of preferred me to ride with you?" I asked. "Honestly. Yes, but Twist was pawing at the door and wanting to go." Rome said. I scratched Twist's neck. He shook his head. "Oh. Did we mention that since it's so hot out today and there is absolutely no chance for rain, we decided it might be the best ideal time to go swim." Memphis said.

"Then where are we going?" I asked. "Put the swimsuit in your saddle bag on and we'll tell ya." Rome said. I reached into the bag finding a string bikini top and boy shorts bottoms. "As long as you both don't look back until I say so." I said. "Deal Honey." "Deal sugar." They both said at the same time. They both turned away, watching a different way than behind.

I took the tank top off then tied the bottom strings before threading it through my sports bra and tied it up behind my neck. I then took the bra off putting it with my tank top. I fixed the strings better. Then stood up in the stirrups undoing my belt and jeans before lowering them down far enough to sit back down and pull them off the rest of the way.

"Having any trouble sugar?" Rome asked. "Nope. Keep looking forward." I said as I got up on my knees. I looked around before removing my underwear and switching them for the swim bottoms. I then sat back down in the saddle and pulled my tank top back on. The top covers what it needs to, but I don't like how it shows off certain things.

"Done changing?" Memphis asked. "Yeah." I answered. He was the first to look back. "Not going to model the top?" He asked. "Not here." I said. Rome chuckled. "Come on Sugar. Please?" He asked. "No." I told him. He looked over at Memphis. They both nodded before riding ahead. I had no choice but to follow.

When at the place, I saw it was one of the smaller ponds with a larger depth. They both dismounted and let their horses graze before coming up to me. Rome pulled me from the saddle holding me against him. "Now you've got to take the tank top off sugar." He said. "Nuh uh." I said. Memphis came right up behind me. "I don't want to see this tank top ruined." Memphis said playing with the hem.

He lifted it barely, his calloused hand meeting my skin. I shuddered at it like I usually do. He pulled it up higher. "Back strings are loose honey." Memphis said. He undid them before tying them back. He then pulled it up over my head. "Loose up top bro." Rome said. Memphis fixed the top strings too.

I looked back at him. A set of lips attached to my neck. I sighed tilting my head back more. Memphis captured my lips. His hands rested on my belly. He pulled me gently away from Rome into his arms. They switched places. Then eased onto the ground. I was sandwiched between them as they kissed, nipped and toyed at my skin. One of Rome's hands brushed one of my breasts. I jumped at the feeling. "We've got ya sugar. It's just us. No one else is going to do anything like this but us." Rome said against my skin.

Memphis and he both brushed their fingers against my skin in various places. I got reacquainted with their gentle touches and how they both were already giving everything they had. I rested my head on the one that was in front of me. He kissed my temple. "Think we should get into the cool water?" Rome asked. "One second." Memphis said as he stood up leaving me sitting on the ground.

"Whatever you do, do not turn around until told to sugar." Rome said from behind me. I heard a belt buckle clank before heard the rustling of clothes. Another clank before I was grabbed up and tossed into the middle of the pond. I popped up just in time to catch Memphis finishing pulling a pair of swim trunks up. Rome was already in his.

Their defined bodies cease to amaze me with how fit they are. They both joined me in the water. Rome was the first to dive down under water. I was pulled under and face to face with him. He kissed me underwater with a closed kiss. Then shoved me back to the surface. He surface moments later. Memphis pulled me to him. He planted a deep kiss on my lips.

"The two of us promise to give you anything you need. We will never lie to you unless it leads to something you will absolutely love. We will never cheat on you with anyone else. Your ours only." Memphis said. Rome nodded against my neck.

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