8: How Does That Work?

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Blake and I changed into swimwear in my room. We are going to the south pond where we know there are no snakes. Then put some shorts and a tank top over mine. I pulled on a pair of boots before telling Blake I'll be outside. I mounted up onto my horse as he came out.

He jumped up onto the horse's back and followed me. We passed the tree line separating the main part of the ranch and the pastures. "So the twins your brother decided to bring along for help are into sharing women?" Blake asked as we passed the tree line. "If you can believe that." I said. "Isn't that something you've read about in some of your books?" He asked.

"Yeah." I answered. "That has to be complicated." He said. "How so?" I asked. "One woman dating two men." He said. "Well I also did some research after reading the first book, since you can only marry one person at a time, that's apart of the complications. The women are usually have a lower stress level and if two are working and providing a paycheck, the third one is usually home watching the kids and taking care of the housework." I said.

"Sounds like I need two women." He said. "Doubt it. They'd get jealous of each other and a cat fight will break out." I said. "So what's the difference between dating two guys that don't know each other very well and dating two that have known each other for years?" He asked. "Depends on the relationship of the men." I said. "Twins." He said.

"No romantic interest towards each other. Brotherly, nearly the same mind." I said. "Cousins." "Best friend relationship, discussing everything since they may not know what the other is thinking." I said. "Best friends." "Similar to cousins. Except you have to deal with who gets the last name if marriage is in the mind." I said. "Bisexual men." He said.

"Romantic interests in not only the woman they're dating, but each other to the point where they both could engage in sexual activities that can exclude and include the woman." I said. "Wow. I'd hate to be in a bisexual relationship with one guy and a girl. I couldn't handle touching another man's body." Blake said.

"Any other questions?" I asked. "How bout siblings? Not twins, siblings." He said. "It would be the same as cousins. One may be older than the other or they could have different moms or dads and be half siblings that have romantic interests in the same woman." I said. "Your crazy." He said. "Just be thankful I don't like bdsm." I said. "Yeah. All kinds of fifty shades of grey going on." He said.

I chuckled. "Anything different in your life?" I asked trying to change the subject. "Nah. Girlfriend did win barrels though." He said. "Good for her." I said. We stopped for lunch halfway to the pond. "Think those twins might be into you?" Blake asked. "No telling. They may be, they're both cute." I said.

"Uh oh. Someone's got a crush on the twins." Blake said chuckling. I shoved him. "Oh no you don't." I jumped up and ran for the pond. I knew Twist and the horse he was riding were close by. Almost there and got tackled into the mud by him. I pulled my boots off then my tank top and shorts before going to the rope.

"Ugh. I hate it when mud dries and cakes to my body." I said. "Get over it." Blake said. "Who's that riding up?" I asked. He peered out. "Oh boy! You better get cleaned up. It's the twins." He said. I grabbed a clob of mud and hit him in the side of the face. I heard one laugh from where I was. "What was that for?" Blake asked. "Don't know. Sudden temper outburst." I said.

The twins rode up and stopped. "What are you two doing out here?" Blake asked them. "Storm's moving in. It'll be here in about an hour. May not look like it, but I'll be pouring quickly." Memphis said. I got down off the rock I was on. Then whistled for Twist and the other. "What's the worry?" Blake asked. "Storms that come like that usually contain flooding. The herd in the low ground needs to be checked before we head up." I said grabbing my clothes.

I pulled my boots on and tank top before sticking my shorts in my saddlebag. I mounted up and started in a circle. "We need to go. Now." I said. Blake got up on the horse he was riding. I started that way at a full sprint. Twist going as fast as he can. I spotted the herd then heard thunder. My phone rang in my saddlebag. I stopped Twist to answer it. "That storm is right on the ridge." Grandpa said.

"I'm at the herd. Running them out of the low ground." I said. "Hurry." He said before hanging up. I stuffed it into my sandwich bag showing Blake what I did. He did the same. The twins looked at each other before pulling their phones out. No phone protection. I held my hand out to take them. They handed them to me. I put them in the same bag as mine.

Then stowed them into my saddlebag upside down. Then started for the backside of the herd. I went through the brush gathering them up and pushing them towards the hill with help of Blake and the twins. Out of nowhere three extras came in helping to push them. Once they were up on high ground thunder crashed loudly above us.

"Head for the barn." Someone yelled. We all let the horses get a quick drink before going. A quarter of the way there it poured down. I let Twist lope ahead of everyone else then trot. The ground was getting soggy fast. At one point I stopped him and started walking. I looked back seeing the twins and Blake followed lead.

The other three are going to have to dismount in a second before their horses get injured.

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