36: I Am Definitely Not Ready.

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Another full month of throwing up is not even close to fun. I hope the worst part is over. I'm going in today for the third month checkup on the little peanut that is growing inside of me. Another thing is that Blake is going along since he couldn't go to the first one because of a ranch crisis.

So now I'm sitting in the passenger seat of the truck as Blake is driving. When we got there Blake was quick to open my door and help me out. We held hands up to the door. He held it open for me before opening the second door as well. I signed in and took a seat next to him. His arm draped across the back as we waited.

When they called my name I stood up along with Blake. We both followed the nurse back. My weight was checked then I was lead to a room for my heart and lungs. Then the baby. Blake clasped my hand as the baby's heartbeat played out. At the end of the appointment we went home with a picture of the baby.

I'm pretty sure Blake now understands more about the being growing inside of me. Only seven more months until I pop. We got back to the ranch. I went to the office for paperwork while Blake went out to work. I hid the photo in the desk drawer with the eight week one.

I didn't exactly expect to be pregnant when I went for the appointment. Four weeks after that, both Blake and I are well aware that we're going to be parents. After we find out the gender we're going to start shopping for the baby's room and reveal that we're going to have a baby.

I jumped up from the desk and to the bathroom to throw up. When it passed, I grabbed a sprite out of the fridge and went back to the desk. I worked the rest of the day throwing up only once more. It's slowed down since it started. At the end of the day I rubbed my neck before Blake came in. "Tired baby?" He asked. I nodded.

"I'll fix ya your favorite tonight." He said. We went to the side by side and went up to the house. I got a shower while he cooked. We both then sat down at the table to eat before I crawled into bed while he showered. He got into the bed pulling me to him above my stomach and at my hips. Too lazy for underwear night. His hands rested over where the baby was supposed to be.

It felt nice to have him here.

The next morning I was up and getting around. I looked at myself in the mirror. A small bump was there. From the front you couldn't tell I was carrying. I don't know if I absolutely like the changes to my body. Two arms encased my body. "Don't worry bout how you look baby. I know your still going to be beautiful to me." Blake said. He kissed the top of my head. I could tell my breasts were also getting larger.

"What would you do if we went ahead and got the crib?" He asked. "We don't even know the gender." I said. "Don't need to. We'll need to know the gender probably ten weeks before it's here." He said. "You know the hands and Axel will become suspicious when I start wearing larger shirts." I said. "We'll deal with it when we get there." He said. I nodded. "I'll make ya breakfast." He was already dressed. He was still asleep when I was getting dressed.

Made me wonder how long I've stared in the mirror at my figure. I still don't know what's going to happen.

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