24: I Could Never Go Through With It.

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I went straight to the room taking the pins out of my hair. I couldn't do this. My eyes ran black from my tears. A warm hand touched my bare back. I looked up meeting the eyes that I had looked into millions upon billions of times over the years. "What's wrong?" He asked crouching down next to me. "I can't do it." I said.

"I know you can." He said in that always reassuring voice. I shook my head. "I don't love him like I love someone else." I said. "Who is it?" He asked. The door was closed. Locked I'm sure. "The one that spent hours putting up with me when all those ex boyfriends would come around. The only one that had more patience with me than any guy I've known. The same guy I know that would give me away just to see me happy with what I want despite what he wants." I said.

I couldn't look over at him. "Camellia." He never used my actual name unless it was important. I looked over at him. He pulled a tissue out of his pocket wiping the black from my eyes. "I. I wanted to tell you earlier that I felt the same way. It was hard watching you walk down the isle to some man you and your family barely know." He said before sighing.

"It was hard looking at you today in that white dress that doesn't even look like your style. I wanted to say something before you went down the isle. I was scared that I would have ruined your happiness. We both know that I always want the best for you. Even if it's something we both regret after a little bit." He said.

"I'm glad you came today." I said. "I'm glad I decided to go. Then I probably would have lost you." He said. I slid off the chair into his lap. I hugged him as he hugged me. I pulled back slightly, able to look at him in the eyes that I've grown so fond of. Then out of nowhere I kissed him. He kissed back just as passionately. I moved to straddle his hips.

The zipper of the dress was relieved. "If you change we can sneak out the window and to my truck." He said. "That works great." I said. He helped me up and unzipped the dress more. I then went into the changing room discarding the dress and heels before pulling the clothes I had on earlier on.

I stepped out pulling my boots on, grabbed my phone and snuck out the window with him. No one was outside yet. I imagine that the place will be chaotic with people wondering what just happened. My grandparents, brother along with his parents and Michael know exactly what happened. Blake opened the passenger door for me letting me get in. He slid over the hood and into the truck.

"Mind driving while I change?" He asked. "You sure?" I asked. "Absolutely. I want out of this monkey suit." He said as we quickly switched places. I was now driving down the road as he switched his pants. I kept my eyes on the road trying not to catch a glimpse of him in his underwear. He then changed shirts before tucking the tee shirt into the jeans and fastening them along with the belt.

"Want me to take over?" He asked. "If you want to." I said. He sat me up on his lap raising the steering wheel a bit for room before letting me slide off next to him. "Your place or mine?" He asked. "Somewhere the groom's family won't find us." I said. He smirked over at me before taking off faster than I was driving. I was riding in the middle with his arm wrapped around me holding me against his side.

"I could definitely get used to this." He said. "Then why not?" I asked. His smile widened. "Then why don't we hideout and I show you what I've been wanting to do for years?" He asked. "Lay it on me." I said. He kissed my cheek before pulling into a pasture. He backed the truck up to where we could see the glistening water of the lake.

Our sneak out spot. He got out before helping me out. We kicked our boots off and sat back against the back window. He held my legs over his holding me against him. "Did you mean every word?" I asked. "Every stinking word. I would never lie about my feelings. Especially after you told me yours first." He said.

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