13: Let It Rain.

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Two weeks after I sprained my ankle they came back as the rain gently fell. I was sitting outside on the front porch in the warm rainy air. The radio was playing an old Eddie Rabbit song. I was bobbing my foot to the beat as I watched yearlings play in the paddock. They went by the house taking their horses to the barn. I went to refill my tea glass before going back out.

The truck pulled around parking next to mine. "Definitely need to stop meeting up when it's raining." Rome said. I chuckled. "Definitely. Mind if we join ya?" Memphis asked. "Nah. Just watching the yearlings play in the rain and roll." I said. They both nodded before going inside. I giggled when two of the colts butted heads before shaking. One dropped to roll in the mud the other rubbed against a tree before dropping to roll.

One passed by me while the other sat on the other side. "Has it been raining much?" Rome asked. "Yup. Must be La Nina deciding to flood the states." I said. "Smart girl." Memphis said. "Have to be especially when the rain hits or decides to." I said. "Haven't been caught in it yet have ya?" Rome asked. "Not since your last visit." I said. He scoffed. "I think we should do something besides stay here." Memphis said.

"And do what? It's raining. She's under twenty one and I doubt she wants to deal with the town talking bout two men sitting with her at a booth." Rome said. Memphis shook his head. "Please tell me ya know what we're talking bout." Memphis said. I thought for a moment before nodding. "Books." Rome grumbled.

"What?" I asked. "What do you know bout twins dating one woman?" Rome asked. "What part do you want me answer bout?" I asked. "Dating." Rome answered. "It's not entirely frowned upon. Just freaks people out when they see two men on a date with one woman." I said. Memphis chuckled. "She knows." He said. Rome shook his head. "Do you know how it comes to be?" He asked. "Usually when both form feelings for the same girl. It usually ends really good or in a fight caused by jealousy." I said.

Memphis chuckled more. "Rome you ask another question, she's going to know the answer." He said. "Alright. What bout sex?" Rome asked. "You do know how that works don't you sugar?" I could tell Memphis wanted to say something about it but kept his mouth closed. "Not until after marriage will that question be answered." I told Rome.

"Might as well answer now." Rome said. "There is no way that you or your brother are going to try that with me until I say you can. I know how sharing during sex works. You just better make sure you've got enough when you two get to that point if you want to date me." I said near his face. He sat back more just before I grabbed my glass going inside.

Grandma and grandpa are at a friends house until about nine tonight. I'm on my own for dinner. I looked at the time before deciding to fix myself supper. When it was done I fixed a plate before going into the living room. I found a movie on and sat through it as I ate. They came in just before the movie was over. I went for a shower and curled up with a book in my window.

The soft pitter patter of the rain was calming. A knock came to my door. "Who is it?" I asked knowing it was one of the twins. "Memphis." The door opened before he spoke. Memphis closed the door behind him. "Should have warned ya that Rome would have been asking questions once we both knew you knew about that lifestyle." He said. "I'm fine with being interrogated, he just went too far with that last question he had." I said. He scoffed.

"He usually does go too far with most things without thinking." He said. "Is that how you two get along so well with the ladies?" I asked. "Well, He usually discusses things with me before doing them. There are some exceptions to the 'we need to talk about it before we do it' thing." He said sitting across from me in the window.

"Let me guess, if you both are separated and he needs to act quickly?" I asked. "Yeah. He usually thinks of what I would say if we were discussing it." He said. "And if he can't?" I asked. "He acts on his own. Just like sitting on the porch he was acting on his own thoughts even after we had discussed it." He said. "I honestly love how you two will discuss certain things, then act on your own. It makes you both unique and proves that you two don't have the same mind." I said. He cracked a smile.

"So if we did ask..." "You'd have to ask my grandfather first before me. I know he likes having you two around to help him out. Some days it's stressful for him to do everything even though he has three ranch hands, myself and the occasional one to ten guys coming by to help out." I said. "Will do honey." He said before sighing. "I wish for a full day it would be sunny while we're here." He said. I chuckled.

"I love getting the moisture. I don't mind it, except when it interferes with plans." I said. "Same. I guess we can just let it rain when it feels like it." He said. I'm pretty sure that if I spent more time with Rome like I did with Memphis just now, we'd be a step closer to dating, if they want me.

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