37: You Found Out.

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The bump was growing a little every day. Even though I'm barely showing still. I've been measuring my waist once a week to try and see how much the baby is growing every week. Yesterday we went to the twenty week appointment. No complications from here until the last four weeks. Found out the gender of the baby. I think Blake was more shocked than I was.

I was currently sitting in the office on the computer sending emails to ranchers about fall breeding. When I was done I started looking for baby bedding. I found this cute baby boy bedding and bought it just before Axel came in. I closed the window to hide what I was doing. "Camellia. I know your hiding something." He said.

"What needs to be hid?" I asked. "You know what I'm talking bout. Your hiding something from the family." He said. I sighed. "Ok. You know what. Blake and I were waiting until I was showing more before saying anything." I said. "Yeah. The sickness gave you away at the rodeo." He said. "Have the hands caught on?" I asked.

"Don't know. If you were waiting to say something it's your business. I'm not snapping at you, just concerned that something worse may have been going on than what's really going on." He said smirking. "If it was something worse we would have already said something." I said. "How far long are ya?" Axel asked. "Halfway. Twenty weeks." I said. "Sounds like I need to get back into the dating game." He said.

"You need to." I said. "It's lonely being the only woman here." He ran his hand through his hair. "I won't say anything. Not until your ready to say that there's a baby on the way." He said. "We may say something this weekend." I said. "I won't say or do anything that points out that I know. Do you know who your going to have to invite to it?" Axel asked.

"His dad, Michael, our grandparents, his grandparents if they want to come." I said. "You know bout it already, the hands will want to know." Axel nodded. "I'll be able to see grandma and grandpa tomorrow." Axel said. "I'll go out there tomorrow morning while it's cool out. Do not breathe a word about it to anyone until I talk to Blake about it tonight. And if we can't do it this weekend then next weekend." I said. Axel nodded.

"I was heading to get feed and some halters. Need anything else from the feed store?" He asked. "Not yet. If you can find some foal halters along with some new brushes that would be useful." I told him. He nodded before leaving. About an hour later Blake came in. "Hey baby, how are you doing?" He asked pulling a chair up behind mine.

"Good. Found some bedding for the baby." I said. "Figure out our guests for Saturday?" He asked. "Yeah. Would it be a good thing or bad thing if Axel called us out on it?" I asked. "If he figured it out that we're going to have a baby, then it's perfectly fine if you told him that we were going to have the baby shower Saturday." He said.

I nodded. "I'm going out to my grandparents' tomorrow morning if you want to go along or you can go to your dad's to tell him about it and then to Michael's. Axel does know about Saturday. I told Axel the hands could come if they wanted to so they know what's going on if that's alright with you." I said as I checked for replies from the ranchers.

"Fine with me baby. My dad, I know will be astatic that he's getting a grandchild." He said. "Wanna go start supper while I answered these emails?" I asked. "Only if you'll shower with me after supper." He said. I kissed him. "You know that's a deal for me." I said. "When is the bedding going to be here?" He asked. "Friday. Perfect timing for the baby shower." I said. He kissed my temple before leaving.

"Side by side is outside waiting for when you're done." He said leaving the office.

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