Epilogue part 2

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Three years later

"Mom. Chesney isn't in her bed." I jumped out of the bed and checked the entire house. "Ok. Go get back into bed." I told him. I poked my head into the bathroom. "Blake Chesney's not in the house. I'm going to check the barn." I said over the shower. The shower shut off as I closed the door back.

I threw my boots on at the back door and ran to the barn. Hysterical little girl laughs filled my ears. I went directly to the stall. I approached quietly. Chesney was laughing her head off. Thunder was rearing and pawing at the ground. I stood there in awe as he didn't try to hurt her.

He didn't step near her. An arm came to my waist. I knew it was Blake. "She's just like you already. We're both going to have a hard time giving her away one day." He said. "Let it be until we absolutely have to worry about that." I said.

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