18: Not My Bosses.

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I packed a duffle with clothes in it for me to stay the night with Blake. Both Rome and Memphis were sitting on my bed. "If you two want to stay in here your welcome to." I said as I packed the amenities I needed. Shampoo, conditioner, body wash, deodorant/antiperspirant, the basics. "So what time are you going to be back here?" Rome asked.

He's more upset than Memphis is. "Not until tomorrow morning sometime round noon. I'm going to help his mother and my second mom get things done around the house she's been needing help with while Blake and Michael help their father clean his shop." I answered. "Can't you go back early in the morning?" Rome asked. They obviously have not covered this in their 'discussions.'

"Nope. Stargazing with my best friend, catch up on things with him, then help his mother out. It's been arranged. You could say something like 'oh ok. Be safe. Don't forget bug spray. Drive safe.' Instead of being selfish and wanting me back by midnight so you can snuggle up to me." I said. Memphis was still quiet. "And don't you dare try to defend him or yourself. Your not my bosses. You do not tell me what to do and when to do it." I said before going downstairs.

I pulled my boots on before heading out to my truck. Blake said he was running straight home earlier to get our supper and stargazing spot situated. "Bye grandma! I'll see you tomorrow." I yelled from the door. "Bye sweetie! Have fun!" She yelled back. Least someone knows how to be enthusiastic about something I'm doing. I got in putting my bag in the passenger seat before starting my truck up.

I backed up and started for the Carson residence. Those two might need to get things together or I won't be dating them much longer. I pulled up beside Michael's truck and got out with my duffle. I went right inside yelling, "Evening Mama Carson." She came out of the kitchen. The short petite woman came right up to me wrapping me up in a hug.

"Take your bag to the bedroom. I already have supper ready." She said. I nodded going right to the bedroom Blake and I share when I sleep over at his house. I dropped the bag anywhere on the floor before going back out and to the living room. Mama Carson handed me the basket filled with food, a jug of tea and two glasses. "Thank you." I said before going out.

I walked to the truck I knew as Blake's. "So. Quilts and pillows?" I asked as I leaned over the side. He stretched out a hand to me. I went around to the tailgate and pulled my boots off after sitting up on the tailgate. I put the basket between us. My phone started ringing. I turned it off completely seeing it was the one with a slight possessive problem.

I put it in the basket and scooted back from the tailgate. "So what did they say when you said you were coming here?" He asked. "Memphis didn't say anything. Rome went off asking questions about when I was to be back and if I was goi to be back by midnight." I said. "Least we now know who's dominant." Blake said. "Yeah. Too dominant. Not letting me do my normal things. After I was dragged by my three year old they both tried to stop me from continuing his training." I said.

"Didn't stop ya did it?" He asked. "No. I told the foreman to make sure they didn't get anywhere near my three year old. That is my fourth horse I've almost completely trained. I'm not going to let two men stop me from training him and the two year old I've started on." I said. "Keep going for it. Curse them out. Tell them what for. If they are not letting you do what you love, then get rid of them." Blake said moving closer.

"How? Every time I try to get my point across they stop me mid sentence and say something that completely redirects the conversation!" I said. "Like I said! Be a full grown mean mare to them both and bite them like they're annoying colts!" He said. "Then you better stick around to see the end result." I said. "I'll have the freezer stocked with homemade chocolate ice cream and we'll do something that will definitely cheer you up." He said pulling me to his side. I rested my head on his shoulder.

"I know they gave a me a taste of how I'm supposed to be treated at times, but I want that freedom, the freedom to still hang out with my friends without whoever I'm dating getting jealous and taking me from them. Taking me from I want. From what I want to do." I said.

"You need less than two men. Two are stressing you out. Your a one man woman." He said before kissing my forehead.

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