11: Help?

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I finished up pitching hay to certain horses before saddling my horse and heading out to check herds. The north and east herds have switched lands for the moment until they're done calving. I went around them first before heading north. Twist loved the run. I let him jump brush and rocks. All I felt was freedom.

When we got to the herd. I counted off all of the new calves. Then went on to the next herd. I cooled off at the creek with Twist getting a drink before we continued. We rounded the herd counting more calves. I tallied another calf as it was laying in the grass freshly born. The cow still had afterbirth clinging to her hide.

I finished up before heading to the next one. The south herd. The sun was setting off to the west. I finished up quickly before heading back to the house. When I got to the barn I noticed two more horses in the barn. I dismounted and took care of Twist before going to the tack room putting my tack up. I took the calf tally for today to the office before going to the house.

I spotted a trailer covered in sponsor stickers. Some rodeo person is here. I ate in the kitchen before going to my room. I showered, climbed into bed and was out without a care.

When my alarm went off I jumped out of bed and got dressed. I grabbed something for breakfast before bouncing out the door and to the barn. I saddled my horse to go and check cattle. The weather proved to be hot and sunny today. About noon the sky darkened. A flash of lightning lit up the sky. The rumble of thunder told me I had to try and get back to the house. The west herd were already up on high ground from the last storm.

Twist was getting antsy. I let him go for the barn. We were halfway there when it hit. I immediately slowed him down and let the rain pelt down. Twist was still antsy. He spooked. I fell off from my hands being slick. A rumble of thunder and flash of lightning struck overhead. I sat up from the mud not seeing Twist anywhere. I knew I hurt something. Good thing I didn't have my feet in the stirrups. I must have twisted it when I fell, it getting caught barely in the stirrup.

I stood up and tried to put weight on my left foot. No use. I hobbled to a tree near the tree line. I sat down under it's thick branches thanking the lord it was shielding me from the rain. My already drenched body and the wind made me even colder. Twist has my phone. My radio. I sat tight under the tree pulling my arms into my shirt, using my hat to try and block out more wind.

This is not going to let up easily. I kept watching for any figure coming towards me. Help? I closed my eyes for a second. I heard a high pitch sound cut through the wind. I was too cold to try to respond. I shifted, my left ankle hurting. The sound came again. I could barely make out a figure in the rain curtain. I lifted my head. The roar of an engine was what I heard next.

I tried to stand. Water dripped off the top of my hat. The roaring sound came closer. I was trying to get my footing with my hurt ankle. I looked up as the ATV stopped. The person got off, coming right for me. Two strong arms wrapped around me holding me against his warm body. I knew instantly who it was. I clung to his waist. "I've got ya." He said. I pulled my weight off my left ankle. He grabbed something on his waist, it had to be a radio.

I could barely hear what he was saying in the pouring rain. "Come on. Let's get up to the barn." He said. He lifted the poncho he had on letting me under it. He must not of cared that I was drenched. When back at the barn, he let out another radio message. He got the poncho off and helped me off. I refused to stand completely on my left ankle.

"Come here." He said picking me up. I was shivering from the wind blowing through. He held onto me with both arms as he briskly walked through the barn. "Duck your head honey." He said. I did just that. He jogged out into the rain. I heard a door open then close. We were out of the rain. "Sit here for me." He said setting me down. Then went to the bedroom in the trailer.

He came back with a shirt. "It's Rome's, but it should cover everything until they get back up here." He said. How they happen to just show up when something goes wrong is beyond me. "Need some help getting down?" He asked. I nodded. "And my left boot." I said. "How bout I help you with both boots." He said. A small smile crept across my face.

The radio he had on his hip went off. He answered with, 'She's with me. We're up at the barn.' He pulled my right boot off first then when he went to grab my left I hissed. "I'll be careful honey." He said as he held the bottom while moving his hand to my socked calf. He gently pulled it off and checked it out. "Let's get out of those wet clothes now." He said helping me down and on my foot.

"Any damage?" The radio squalled. "Possibly sprained ankle. Cold." Memphis said into the radio. He held onto me as we went to the bathroom there. I was able to lean against the wall to get my jeans and socks off. My left ankle was definitely swollen. I got out of my shirt the warmer air of the trailer was welcomed. "Make sure you take those undergarments off too. I bet they're just as drenched." He said outside the door.

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