19: I'm Not Your Toy.

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When we were ready to go back inside it was passed two in the morning. Blake and I went inside and got changed for bed. I laid down on one side of the queen side bed while he got the other side. In no time we both were asleep. Next thing we both know Michael is yelling for us both to get up. "Come on sleeping beauties! I'm going to jump on the bed if not." Michael yelled.

I flipped him off. "That doesn't work today Cam. Both grandparents, brother and 'boyfriends' are here." Michael said. "F—-." Blake cursed. "Same." I said sitting up. "Nice tits." "Get out before I do something you'll regret." I said. He left. "Jeez. Threatening him with his balls. Harsh." Blake said. "You better watch it too. You know what happens when I get less sleep than normal." I said.

I got up, found my bag, pulled out a pair of jeans and socks putting them on as Blake was doing the same. I turned pulling my tank top off and pulled a sports bra on then a clean tank. "Ready?" He asked. "Yup." I said pulling my hair back. We both went for the living room. Mama Carson fed us breakfast before we all sat down in the living room.

I sat up on the armrest away from the twins. Maybe if I put some distance between us, I'll be able to be mean enough to make them listen. "Women will work inside. Men outside. No complaints." Mr. Carson said. I could tell the twins had a different idea. We all parted ways. I was on the boys' laundry duty. Least Michael sorted his out.

Blake, still needs to be convinced of that. I was nearly done when Mrs. Carson sent me to take water to the guys. I was about to enter the shop when I was grabbed and dragged to the side. "Why are you not responding to any of our calls or texts?" Rome asked. "Because I've got a life that doesn't revolve around you." I spat.

He held me fast against the wall. "I want an even more clear answer than that." He said. "Then f— off and leave me alone. I'm sick and tired of both you..." He clasped a hand over my mouth. I kicked at his knee hitting it with my heel. "No. You listen. I'm sick and tired of being treated like a porcelain doll. You and your brother need to get it through your skulls that I am not some toy you both can push around and love on when you feel like it." I said as he groaned on the ground in pain.

I picked up the water and went into the shop. I sat them down before storming out. Something was off about Mrs. Carson. I went back inside seeing her snacking on something. Strange. She's never done that. I went and chilled in the living room. "Are you going to be spending another night?" Grandma asked. "If you don't mind." I said.

"Do you know what your going to do with those twin colts?" She asked. "They're healthy babies. And will go to nice homes." I said. "Together? Or separate?" Mrs. Carson asked coming in. "Going to have to start the separation process if they are." I said. "Not many will take on twin colts or soon stallions." Grandma said. "They're not bad. More minding than the other two that have over welcomed their stay." I said.

Grandma chuckled. "Definitely. I'm surprised Axel hasn't ran them off yet." She said. I gave her a pleading look for him to do so just before the guys came in. Memphis was looking oddly at Rome as he decided to sit down next to me. Then put his arm behind me. I stayed silent. Blake came up and knelt down beside me.

"What happened outside the shop?" He whispered. I got up going to his room. I closed the door and sat down on the floor on the other side of the bed. The door opened as I had my chin resting on my knees. Two arms wrapped around me holding me against a chest. "Do you want to talk about it inside?" He asked. I shook my head.

"Come on then. I'll piggyback you to a place you can yell, scream, do anything to take your frustration out." He said picking me up. I clung to his neck as he climbed out the window. He then let me onto his back as he walked away from the house. We got to the old treehouse that Michael and Axel had built when they were younger. He climbed up and set me up on the railing.

"Now. What exactly happened?" Blake asked. "Your mother told me to take you guys water, so I got together all the water bottles you guys would need. Before I entered Rome grabbed me and held me against the side of the building wondering why I wasn't doing anything about letting them know about anything I was doing,"

"So in other words, he's becoming violent." He said. I nodded. "When he tried to cut me off I dug my heel into his knee making him drop his hand and to stop him from saying anything. I was finally able to tell him off before gathering the water up, putting it inside and going back into the house." I finished.

"Least you threw some harm at him as a warning." He said. "Then in the house just now, Memphis sat down beside me acting completely oblivious to what Rome did." "He may have been oblivious to what his twin did." Blake said. "I don't know what to do with them." I said.

"Stay strong Cammy. I know you can."

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