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I walked into my apartment and heard music blasting from Sophia and Amandas room


of course

he had my heart to be honest

I walked past there room and into mine groaning and falling onto my bed

I threw a pillow angrily at my wall

"woah killer whats your problem" Karle said

I jumped not realizing she was there the whole time "no-nothing" she gave me a look

"did you and Daniel get into a fight? werent you just with him?"

"no Daniel and I are good" I didnt wanna tell them because if I say it out loud then im confirming it

I wanted to kiss him and I have feeligs for him but I just moved to Los Angeles and I cant afford to have 1 less friend because of how awkward itll get if I tell him

the next day

Ive been laying around my house, eating food, and listening to why dont we all day, Daniels been texting me but I havent been answering

there was a knock on my door and I looked at myself in the mirror

I had leggings a huge hoodie and my hair in a very messy bun

I looked like crap

oh well, I opened the door revealing Daniel in an orange beanie, green jacket with a white shirt underneath and black ripped jeans


"hey" he smiled "are you okay, I got worried when you didnt text back

"yea, yeah im fine, you can come in"

he walked in and I shut the door

"okay I dont know if im imagining this but I cant put these feelings behind me, we almost kissed yesterday"

my face heated up "ya"

"are we not going to talk about it?" he gave me a looked as I sat on the counter

"well what do we talk about" I asked

"I think I have feelings for you, real feelings"

"me too"

it got a little quiet with his music playing in the background, he looked at the ground and smiled "were you listening to my music?"

I smiled "ya"

within not even 5 seconds he rushed over and I felt his lips on mine

it felt like time stopped and he put his hands on my waist pulling me closer

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him lower due to the height difference

I pulled away slightly out of breath, he literally just took my breath away

"what does this mean" I asked

"I dont want to rush anything" he searched my eyes to see what my response was going to be

"I dont either, but I dont want to come out and tell everyone, can we keep us lowkey for a while?"

I nodded

he kissed me again and his phone started ringing "hello?"

"ya, oookay im coming" he hung up and put his phone in his pocket

"the boys and I are going to the studio, ill text you later"

with that he walked out

what just happened


My Boy ☼ Daniel Seavey Where stories live. Discover now